A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

Creachy's Office

Post 41


smiley - yikessmiley - blushsmiley - biggrin

Got to go sit outside with the kids for a bit..might get my book finished at last ..yay!
So ill speak to you later then.. n im sure w**ks not that bad..any job where you can just play about on here as much as you like n get paid for it cant be can it!..the hours must be a pain thoughsmiley - sadface!

Creachy's Office

Post 42


looks like id better tidy up in here as well as mine...eeeek! thats disgusting!

Creachy's Office

Post 43


what!? i deny all knowledgesmiley - whistle

Creachy's Office

Post 44



a hangover cure please smiley - headhurts

oh and a smiley - tea..

Creachy's Office

Post 45


I 'thought'you had the arse with me smiley - sadfacesmiley - footprints
off to bed now anyway

Creachy's Office

Post 46


i am at w*rk, smiley - sorry was dealing with other stuffsmiley - ok

hangover cure, hmmmmmm, raw egg and pepper mixed in a cup. down in onesmiley - ill

Creachy's Office

Post 47


Think your friend shouldve ticked you off for honesty as well as blankness...

egg allergy smiley - erm

Creachy's Office

Post 48


smiley - huh

Creachy's Office

Post 49


..and playing dumb ...lol

It may take a while (like say best part of a fortnight!(ive been a bit slow on the uptake lately))but i do take a hint to bugger off eventually!

Creachy's Office

Post 50


i have never meant that in any way or form. you were the one who made out yesterday that i was only talking to you cos i was bored! i can't be on here 24/7 and when i am i do have a few other things to do. i do try and talk to you but you behave like ally did and get all grumpy with me for nothing. like not posting a reply within 30 mins.

Creachy's Office

Post 51


I'm nothing like Ally..anyone will tell you that..n ive had (and do have) coversations that take 2 weeks to fill a page cos of the delay between postings.. i aint the promptest myself so Ive NEVER in 2 years almost picked anyone up for that..
on the rare occasion i get grumpy with anyone its cos theyve said something ive found offensive..,or even rarer its just me being grumpy..for which i always apologise.ive never been petty n im not gonna start now..
If im funny wth anyone (cos i rarely am) there a hell of a lot more to it than how long its taken them to post(like i care about things like that!..).. im actually really offended by that!
and going out..

Creachy's Office

Post 52


then when you get back maybe you could tell me why you are being funny thensmiley - erm

Creachy's Office

Post 53


Im too offended right now..ive not been funny..or at least i wasnt for the first week or so that you was!..very friendly soul i am..takes a fair bit to make me funny towards anyone..usually them being right off with me if not blatent.
my head hurts too much for this today..i dont upset people on purpose ok..never have..try to get on with everyone really.if ive been off without realising (i dont think i have) im sorry..smiley - cry,cos thats not like me..

take care

Creachy's Office

Post 54


maybe weve both been grumpy..
and as i said if ive been funny im sorry.. its rarely intended..
i hate falling out with people too much like that, and im terribly soft about upsetting anyone.
Ill be around if wanted anyway..
otherwise ill stay out of your way..cant make things any worse then smiley - smooch

Creachy's Office

Post 55




anyone home? smiley - erm

'sits on couch'

Creachy's Office

Post 56


'put the kettle on n paints her nails'

smiley - whistle

Creachy's Office

Post 57


you know, i don't think that kettle suits yousmiley - silly

Creachy's Office

Post 58


Ha Ha...

Good job ive not got my boss hat on with the state of the service aroud here! 'poke'

Creachy's Office

Post 59


don't blame the service, i blame the customsmiley - biggrin

Creachy's Office

Post 60


oh.. in that case sorry.

smiley - footprints

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