A Conversation for The German Invasion of the USSR

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 81


Just take the number out again.

Oh the debacle.

Well, it's Monday night. What else is there to do?

smiley - laugh

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 82


You can copy the source of the Alec Empire entry at <./>test894387</.> smiley - ok

Don't copy the though! smiley - smiley


A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 83


Can't! smiley - wah Digibox limitations. I'm sure Atari will do just as good as I could on his own!!! smiley - smiley

Lets get back on topic.

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 84

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Alright then. My entry is rubbish, my entry is terrible. smiley - laugh

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 85


Be careful...someone might come along and agree with you!!! smiley - laugh

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 86

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - wah

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 87


Actually, I'll just go and look at it again... smiley - smiley

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 88

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Damn! Plan foiled! smiley - laugh

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 89


>The main reason Hitler wanted to take Stalingrad was for it's name<

I'd rephrase and expand on that one.

I'd say something like "Hitler wanted Germany to occupy Stalingrad, as it would be symbolic of Germany's strength."

Or something...the version you have seems a little blank...

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 90

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

OK i'll change that. What do you think of the rest? smiley - smiley

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 91


It's looking better!!! smiley - smiley

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 92

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - biggrin

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 93

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Perhaps worth noting: there was close co-operation between Germany and Russia in the years after WW I. This even led to German tanks being tested and tank crews being trained on Russian ground. The tanks were declared as 'tractors' or 'prime movers' in an attempt to disguise this violation of the Versailles treaty.

I think these should be uppercase: Army Group North / Centre / South.
The Nazi/German mix-up was already mentioned, this should be resolved.

A few other points worth mentioning: the German army wasn't well prepared for fighting during Winter. The whole operation was 'planned' to be completed before Winter (the rationale being that once Moscow was taken, all Russia would surrender), but it wasn't feasible in any way.
The gasoline/diesel disintegrated in the cold, the footwear wasn't in the least appropriate and winter garments were lacking. One activity to remedy the latter point was the 'Winterhilfswerk' (winter aid organisation), which collected warm clothes back home and provided them to the soldiers.
Being organised as they might, the Germans still had severe problems with transporting supplies over 1000s of kilometres through harsh terrain, and partisan fighters did the rest.
The Luftwaffe (respectively, Field Marshal Göring) had promised to provide air-to-ground support in proportions that would have taken a multiple of their actual number of planes.
Hitler himself interfered with operations and tactics where and when he pleased to, but better shouldn't have. This earned him the (ironic) nickname 'GröFaZ' ('Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten', or biggest military leader of all time). Of course, you'd have been ill advised to mention this name before any of the Nazi nomenclatura.

Motivation.. you don't mention it. Operation Barbarossa (the name given to the whole plan) was declared as warfare against an alleged Bolshevic/Communist plan to take over the world. Then there was the concept of creating 'Lebensraum' (space to live in) in the East for an Aric 'Über'-race, which was to be taken from 'lower-grade races' which happened to be living there. Of course this was irrational (to avoid saying 'weird' or 'bizarre'). But reason had long before ceased to be the foundation of German politics.

I'd say, put 'Operation Barbarossa' into the header and take or leave any of the points above smiley - smiley I see you're getting somewhat impatient, perhaps discomforted with the Peer Review process... it's *your* entry and *you* decide on its contents, and it already *is* a good one smiley - ok. IMHO it's better to get nasty comments than to sit there receiving none at all ----- which might still happen too smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

HMS (Her Majesty Scout) Bossel

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 94


Hi again Atari, smiley - smiley

if you're new round here, I should tell you that Bossel knows what he's talking about. smiley - biggrin

But having said that, he was talking about motivation, and didn't seem to mention the value of cutting off the Caucasus with its rich oil fields and mineral deposits. This was a key strategic goal for which Hitler hoped to sacrifice many thousands of soldiers' lives. But sacrificing soldiers' lives had brought him success in the face of military advice in the past, and by this stage H was out on a limb and would dare anything. Perhaps Stalingrad can be considered as the day he finally drew a bullit in his lifelong game of Russian Roulette.

err... did i say that? Nah

btw, anyone seen the excellent German film on the subject? Joseph Vilsmaier (yeah, ok, i had to go and look on the jacket!)

Great performances, anyway, and a harrowing film, but an interesting take on this momentous turning point of the 20th century.

Did it occur to you, Atari, that there are easier subjects to write the definitive guide entry on? smiley - winkeye

Keep on truckin'

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 95


btw, Boss, you don't wanna know where i first heard that Groefatz story! smiley - yikes

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 96

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

It did, but I like writing about this sort of stuff smiley - smiley

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 97

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

spiff, please spill the beans smiley - grovel - where did you first hear it??

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 98

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Yes, please do smiley - grovel

A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 99

Noggin the Nog

Hey Atari, are you going to update this entry?

On July 10, 1941 the Germans crossed the Dnepr at Mogilev in eastern Belarus. (The Dnepr does flow through the Ukraine for a considerable part of its length, but the first crossing was upstream).

Sorry to chivvy but I want to see how it looks when you're done. smiley - ok


A900064 - The German Invasion of the USSR

Post 100

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Tomorrow-No time at the moment! smiley - smiley

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