The German Invasion of the USSR
Created | Updated Jan 23, 2003
In June 1941 the largest invasion in history took place when over 3 million German troops invaded the USSR 1. This entry is going to describe the invasion’s causes, actions and result.
The Build Up
When in 1939 Adolf Hitler’s Germany invaded Poland they formed a peace pact with the USSR who occupied the eastern part of Poland, bringing the borders of the two powerful countries together and causing much unrest. Then, during the winter of 1939/1940 the USSR invaded Finland, showing Germany it had much power, and forced it to give up much territory and worsening the relations between the two countries further. After this there was a period of relative quiet between the two countries, but Germany continued to take over Europe.
Even though relations between the two countries were worsening, Britain were extremely concerned about the non-aggresion pact between them, as after the takeover of Europe they had no allies, and America only offered some help with the Lend-Lease agreement2.
In December 1940 Hitler and his generals agreed on the eventual destruction of the USSR. Although Stalin’s3 spy network found out about this and informed him he took no action because this, he believed, would aggravate Germany still further to the point of immediately declaring war.
Meanwhile, back in Germany a time, place and strategy was created for the invasion. This was to be June 1941, along the boundary with the section of the USSR in Europe and to use three armies, Army group north, aimed at Leningrad (now St Petersburg), Army group centre, aimed at the capital of Moscow and army group South aimed at the Ukraine oilfields and Stalingrad (now Volgograd).
The Attack
Phase One: The Blitzkrieg
After a brief bombardment German troops and tanks stormed forward, with fighter-bombers whirring overhead.
On 28th of June the Germans seized Minsk in what is now Belarus. Stalin then began to order counterattacks which were hopeless as the Russians had obsolete tanks and planes and the infantry were poorly trained. Stalin then created the scorched earth policy.
After huge numbers of prisoners were taken and hundreds of thousands of men killed Stalin eventually saw he was doing the wrong thing. At this point most military commanders would order their troops to retreat and regroup a few miles away but instead he ordered his troops to hold to the last man. This guaranteed that they would be wholly and completely annihilated.
Some historians say that this decision may have slowed up Hitler enough to bring the Russian winter down on them.
However the German advance did not stop and hardly even slowed down, as on July 10, 1941 the Germans crossed the River Dnieper in Belarus and on Aug 20, 1941 they began the siege of Leningrad, with Finland attacking the land to the east and cutting off the cities supply lines. Despite this, the city didn't fall even though 2 million men from both sides died trying to take it/defend it. The advance continued on all fronts with the Nazis taking Kiev. Then the October rains arrived, turning all the tracks into mud. Through this nothing could move and the German advance came to a relative halt.
It was around this time that the Soviets began to deploy the brilliant T-34 tank, which had wide tracks to go through the mud and armour so thick that only the German 88mm anti-aircraft gun could pierce its hull.
When at last the rain ceased and frost began to settle the Germans were overjoyed, but worried. The invasion should have ended many weeks ago and it was only a matter of time before General Winter would be constantly interfering with plans and making nonsense out of timetables.
On October 2nd Operation Typhoon began with its intended objective of Moscow. In this last desperate rush Germany took city after city, with Odessa, Kharkov, Sevastopol and Rostov all falling into Nazi hands.
But by this time it was hopeless: the Russian winter had come and T-34s were commonplace. Moscow was almost reached, but the Germans were held just short and on December 6th the Soviets launched a counter offensive.
Phase Two: The attack in the South
After withdrawing from the immediate vicinity of Moscow the German army dug in for a long winter. The Soviet advance had been halted for now, but only at huge cost of men and materials. When the weather began to warm again the front became a battle of attrition and full on destruction as the Germans and Russians wasted entire armies trying to break through.
Eventually it was the Germans, blasting their way through the Crimea in May and re-taking Sevastopol. After that there was an all out drive for the Ukraine oilfields and Stalingrad. The main reasons that Hitler wanted to take Stalingrad were it was a key strongpoint in the battle and its name (Stalin-grad . For the same reasons, Stalin ordered vast amounts of troops to defend the city itself, in case of a mass German breakthrough. This gave the other armies an easier task and allowed them to hold out, and most of the troops in front of the South army withdrew. After some further battles the Germans came to the gates of Stalingrad in September.
German Army | Soviet Army |
Led by von Paulus | Led by Zhukov |
1,011,500 men | 1,000,500 men |
10,290 artillery guns | 13,541 artillery guns |
675 tanks | 894 tanks |
1,216 planes | 1,115 planes |
The fighting for the city was extremely fierce, with hand to hand combat often the only possible method of attack. The Germans took all but the last few streets of the city, but the Soviets always held on, bringing up reinforcements and T-34s from the rear. This terrifying battle went on for around a month before the USSR started to gain the upper hand.
They began to surround the Germans, but the Germans still had a chance of escape! But this was not to be. Hitler insisted the armies stayed at Stalingrad, and they began to be crushed, not just by the Soviet forces, but by the dreaded return of winter. Food and fuel ran short, and the German armies were cold, tired and frustrated, as they believed this pointless battle shouldn’t be taking place and they should be defending a line a few miles to the west. Eventually in February 1943 the entire army in Stalingrad surrendered.
This was probably the turning point in the war as Hitler had used up over a million men and huge amounts of resources and had failed. From then on the war would favour the Soviets. Even Hitler admitted this, saying
The god of war has gone over to the other side.
Phase Three: The Retreat
After Stalingrad the Germans turned and ran. The first withdrawals were from the Caucasus Mountains in January, shortly before the mass surrender of German troops in that city. The situation was hopeless as the Soviet tanks and planes were attacking the troops at every opportunity and not letting the Germans get any rest or dig in.
Such an occasion did eventually happen when the Russians broke through the city of Kursk and the surrounding area of the German line with a large amount of armour, but left the other sections with a light force. This gave the Germans the chance to dig in, and for the last time form a plan. They would conduct a pincer movement, cut off the attacking forces from the rest of the Soviet army and destroy them.
The attack happened during July and continued for some time as a reasonable advance, though hardly Blitzkrieg. However, the advance came to a halt, largely because of hastily installed defences. The Germans were slowly pushed back, until the counter-attack turned into an offensive, and the offensive into a rout.
The German offensive was also notable for the largest tank battle in history which happened when hundreds of German and Soviet tanks met purely by chance. It was huge, and the destruction was so intense that there was no real winner of the battle, but the Russians had reserves and could afford the losses but Germany could not.
What eventually happened to the German armies was this:-
- Army group north – Got trapped in Estonia after being forced away from a ruined Leningrad in 1944 and were held there to the end of the war.
- Army group centre – Were reduced to a fraction of there former amount, but continued to fight
- Army group south – Effectively wiped out in the battle of Stalingrad and the resulting carnage
After that there were no more major battles, and the Russians finally pulled in to Berlin on April 21st 1945. Hitler committed suicide on the 30th and Germany surrendered on May the 7th.
The Result
The most prominent result of the war was the fact that over 20 million Soviets had been killed. The huge loss in life was a disaster for the USSR, who took years regaining there former strength. However, during this time they annexed most of Eastern Europe and established themselves as a world superpower alongside the USA. This led to the East/West scenario known as the cold war and the Iron Curtain, an imaginary boundary where two worlds met.