A Conversation for The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

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Post 1

Darth Zaphod

Hello there!

Just wondering if you were planning on finishing up your story, cleaning it up, etc...adding explanations maybe (or maybe not, whateversmiley - smiley) Because I'd like to try to use it in an edition of AGG/GAG in The Post--that is, if I get permission...mere technical problems...just curious! thanks!

Darth Zaphodsmiley - planet

hidee ho!

Post 2


Hi Darth,
thanks for leaving a message. I would be honoured if you could use it in AGG/GAG. Though I was talking with jwf and he said that he would put it up himself. So you may want to speak with him first, as I don't know what the procedure is with the AGG/GAG.

To be honest as far as "cleaning it up" (if I understand you correctly), I am planning on revealing more of the story in different parts. Part 2 (A903016) is already out there , but perhaps needs a little tweaking. Part 3 (which I think is better than part 2, but thats just my opinion) is on my hard drive - and in my head to a certain degree (Part 4, is somewhere in the recesses of my brain as well). I know roughly where I am going with this smiley - smiley.

Though I would take any advice you might have to give, as I am always willing to learn.

Anyway, thanks for taking an interest in my writingssmiley - ok

Terran smiley - earth

hidee ho!

Post 3

Darth Zaphod

anytime. I'll get back to you when I find out what's up.

DZsmiley - planet

hidee ho!

Post 4


The story is now available here in the post - A843572

hidee ho!

Post 5


I'm actually lying, the story is here - A972920smiley - flustered

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