A Conversation for The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Alternative Writing Workshop: A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 1


Entry: The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute - A896998
Author: Terran(ACE - Wishing Everton Towards the League title) - U201249

This is part one about a story about a story smiley - smiley. What do you think?

Terran smiley - earth

A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 2


Hi Terran, just dropping by to say, 'i read your story', smiley - smiley

I kinda liked it (sorry to risk damning with faint praise, i don't mean to), not really my cup of tea, and perhaps not *really* finished, for my money. Or perhaps it's coz it doesn't really seem to stand alone.

Please don't take this to mean, 'and therefore no bloody good!', that's not it at all. After all, writing is one of the many things that only get better with practice, and this forum is an ideal place to do just that. So go for it! smiley - ok

Did i detect a hint of the DNA inspiration behind this, by any chance? That 'distraction' thing sounded just ever so slightly... what's that French phrase? F19585?thread=220545

I look forward to reading future submissions to the AWW, smiley - biggrin
keep on truckin', and mind out for those doors!

A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 3


Thanks smiley - ok.
Yeah I should have said this is part 1 of a longer story (about a story). Admittedly the "about a story" bit isn't actually in this part (well if it is there its microscopic), this is more of a scene setter. I've written 3 parts so far, and it doesn't really start to be explained until part 3 (Part 4 is still floating around in my head). I should really have explained this when I put this in. I probably should put in the next two parts for this to make a bit more sense.

And your probably right about DNA's style in here a bit, though in a community like this (with quite a few people having read at least one of the books) any slightest hint of his style will be picked upsmiley - smiley. There isn't actually any intentional DNA influence with the 'distraction' out of the window thing, though it wouldn't surprise me if my subconscious threw up something I'd forgotten I'd read smiley - biggrin.

Hopefully I'm doing the right thing by the story, splitting it in to parts so early, and I'll add these to the AWW soon.

Anyway thanks for the comments. smiley - cheers

Terran smiley - earth

A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 4


Alright, part two is now up - F74130?thread=231288, so based on how this is recieved will decide how I put in part 3 (which personally I think [trying not to sound big headed, depending on your view point] is the more interesting of the three so far [well I found it more interesting to write anyway] ).

Terran smiley - earth

A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 5


For those interested the story is now available in the post at A843572

A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Post 6


I'm actually lying, the story is here - A972920smiley - flustered

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A896998 - The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

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