A Conversation for De Myelin Nation


Post 61

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

*waves to Tefkat*


Post 62

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

Heretic because I'm not demyelinated Moose. Congenital problem in the lower back, some sort of arthritis (but they can't figure out what), summat as yet undiagnosed that could be PCOS, Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, Cervical Spondylosis and smiley - laugh dyslexia - but nothing truly awful like demyelination.

It's nice to have found people who understand what it's like living with fluctuating levels of pain and disability and haven't lost their sense of humour over it. I'd love to stay if you'll have me.

What's wrong with you Moose? (If it isn't an impertinent question)


Post 63


Hello there, Madam Kat, smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri here. (smiley - cdoublesmiley - catYoda ADORES your name & has several writhing smiley - mouse victims waiting to share their horror stories with yours!)

WELCOME to De Myelin Nation, I haven't looked yet to see what "category" smiley - reindeer has put you in, but it's all fairly arbitrary anyway!
Yes, we definitely started as all folks with de-myelination problems, but as there doesn't seem to be anywher else on hootoo that I'm aware of that's aplace where people who have any sort of physical limitation can get together, I personally think we should expand to cover this; what do the rest of you think?
-- It's still a very new site, evolving all the time & I think we're pretty democratic, so any ideas welcome.

I'll go & have a look at your space, also join in the hunt for Klevrklogs, who sounds like a terribly nice English gentleman, "jolly good"; just what we need round here! (moresmiley - teavicar?)

Also, just to give poor Moose another headachesmiley - headhurts, I have plans to chase up Z & find out if he's going to join us as "family & friends" (& our in-house tame medical student); I happen to know he's working on a paper about the immune system at the moment & I'm keen to get involved.

Anybody heard from mrsthewife recently? She doesn't seem to have been around for ages, hope she's not still suffering from the after-effects of the bloody flu bug.smiley - illsmiley - cheerup

squeak to you later
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri


Post 64

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

Hi Terri. Our smiley - mousesmiley - esuom have just chewed open two 1kg boxes of dog food and eaten the entire 2kg smiley - erm

No wonder they spend so much time dancing in the attic (directly over my head!)

Kleverkloggs is a lovely "terribly nice English gentleman" but he's very busy looking after his wife and running a business so I don't know how often he'll be able to come here. Hope he manages to work out my terribly confusing instructions about editing his PS. smiley - erm


Post 65

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

I must go. My smiley - mouse hand has completely seized up and the other isn't far behind.

smiley - kiss


Post 66


Yes, computers aren't always "user friendly" if you're not 100% are they!
I have problems at the other end; if I get carried away (who, moi?) & spend too long sitting at "the beast", my feet disappear into an alternative existence & it takes forever to get them back.

I find lurking is less stressful than typing, but can never resist adding my ten pennorth!

Been to your cat-flap & added a horror story, still to visit Kleverklogs.

Good luck with your smiley - mousehand, see you later
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri


Post 67

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

missed o whole convo again..dammit.


Post 68

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

No, I can never resist either. smiley - biggrin

"Resistance is useless" "You will be assimilated"

I tend to have that problem too Moose. Why does everything always happen when you're offline! smiley - biggrin


Post 69

kleverkloggs (the thickest thing since Granny's rice pudding)

I know what you all mean about lurking being funsmiley - biggrin. And to think that i used to have to hide behind a slotted grille to do so (more tea vicar?).
I ave to go out the room immediately otherwise my head will swell at the compliments i'm overhearing..."terribly nice English gentleman"... or do you use <> to indicate quotations from threads? Thats a quesion thats been needling me for some time.smiley - groan
And thanks to all for overlooking my lack of social graces barging in on the group. If i'm in the wrong wroom, please tell me where to go.


Post 70

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

I thought it was only Roaming Cafflick priests wot hid behind slotted grilles?

Everyone barges in. It's fine. Whenever you want to say something you just jump in and say it - even if the convo is 7,243 posts long.

Different people use different methods to indicate quotes.
I've seen (and used) "" '' and >> <<.


Post 71

kleverkloggs (the thickest thing since Granny's rice pudding)

Not just the cafflix - some High (just smell the incense) Anglicans go in for the box. Funny thing - anyone can hear confessions - must be to do with farther mike in the box broadcasting


Post 72

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

You a High Anglican then? (Is it all the incense that makes them high? smiley - drunk)


Post 73

kleverkloggs (the thickest thing since Granny's rice pudding)

no - the steps up to the pulpit


Post 74

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

Ah! Goth you.smiley - eureka


Post 75


"And blessings to you, my children!" (bows gravely/grows bravely)

Glad to see you haven't been put off by the general level of lunacy on this site kleverkloggs, I always admit to being mad personally; but NICE mad, if you know what I mean!

I've sent out dire warnings to all & sundry (what was his number again?) that the De Myelin Nation is to undergo a severe sorting out tonight; but this has been postponed due to Moose currently being involved in raging bushfires, which involve switching her computer off & according to the latest on French TV, people are evacuating their houses even as we squeak.

So for now, don't worry about which "room" you're in, chat away whereever you like & when Moose returns (hopefully intact) we'll start sorting things out then.

smiley - cheers
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri


Post 76

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

As always.....YEP! What Terri said!smiley - biggrin We are not much on rules here.Feel free to emote in any way and at any time. Speaking of that.... I am rarley live cause I do short spurts. smiley - nahnah That does bother me, I wonder if it bothers others? I did have a slow begining because of that,tho I found It was well worth my patience.smiley - angel Good Luck to Moose ,she cannot handle smoke AT ALL because of her allergiessmiley - sadfacesmiley - angel


Post 77


Oh, she's a very together young lady; she's probably out there selling smog masks even as we squeak!

Just been & had a severe lurk on her homepage as you suggested to find the email address, WHERE is this flying pigs bit you were on about???
(it might be easier if you know the real address, to just email me with it. I tried the one with the numbers&yahoo, didn't work at all.)
smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri


Post 78

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

My mail has come back---problems. You will find the directions [to me-from Moose} in our Nation. It was recently,just before my computer problems. smiley - disco My address book and stuff is gone/virus.It will take a while to straighten outsmiley - sadfaceI cannot always post or even get into here right now.smiley - disco


Post 79

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

missed it again...


Post 80

Reality Manipulator

Jedi Apprentice here

You have a very good site here! smiley - smiley


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