The Shrineworld

8 Conversations

Welcome To The Shrineworld!

My name is Marshal, I'm currently in charge of this place. Allow me to explain what is happening here...

This Shrine is the original home of VIPER, and we won't give it up again now it is retakable! However, there's still many foes to vanquish, and it won't be easy...

To anyone lost in the desert, this is a VIPER installation, and so only VIPERs or VIPER Cadets are admitted, this is a warzone after all! Should you wish to join our cause, come on up to The Office of Ouroboros Plaza and I'll sign you up. You will then be an official member of VIPER.

Besides my Office, there are many other places to explore, renovate or clear of JACKAL soldiers. There may be other threats on this world, so caution is advised at all times... Just click on a Title to download the latest route surveys to your destination.

The Greenhouses

These Greenhouses are mostly destroyed, but the plants within are still alive. Those that are considered dangerous are kept in underground houses, and make excellent poisons.

The Scout Skimmer

Kran has commendeered an abandoned Scout Skimmer from an old hanger, and is using it to check the surroundings. Anyone willing to aid Kran in his operation, report to the LZ. Kran's craft is currently grounded, and I'm not sure how long for, so report to The North Hanger for details.

The Cryo-Crypt

This is the place where the Black Widow rested after being crippled at the hands of Fester. He was killed in battle, and the crypt collapsed. However, there may still be areas to explore...

Sniper Alley

Sniper Alley is one of the deadliest places in the Shrine. This is the place for snipers, but anyone who tries to move through the South-Eastern areas of the Shrine, or worse, the South-East Road, is sniper fodder.

North Hanger

The North Hanger is our main area for aircraft storage. If Kran's craft is grounded, check in here. The Skimmer should be here until further notice.

The Apothecarium

The Apothecarium is badly damaged, but enough has survived to be usable as a medical facility. We still need a doctor, though, and we're hoping Recrash or someone else will fill the role soon.

High Orbit Station

We have several Satellites and High Orbit stations recently launched above the Shrineworld. They aren't perfect, though, and some may require maintainence and repositioning.

That's all I can do for now, if there's anything else I can do, call into my Office and tell me what's up.

Viva Venerato.


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