Celebrating Will See that fella? You probably know him. The staple author of Great Books courses everywhere in the English-speaking world. William Shakespeare, aka the Bard, the Sweet Swan of Avon, or possibly 'somebody else in disguise.'
We won't open that can of worms this week, promise. Instead, we'll celebrate the cultural significance of England's most influential historical literary figure – whoever he (or she) may have been – with all due pomp, ceremony, and high-minded solemnity.
Just kidding.
We've got Shakespeare quotes, Shakespeare snark, a Shakespeare music video, and Shakespeare cartoons. Enjoy.
We also have the usual panoply of non-Shakespeare-related items, which we will now enumerate.
- Awix is back at the cinema. This time, he's terrorising mothers by recommending monster movies to little kids. You're sure to enjoy the latest silver screen adventure. Get plenty of popcorn.
- Willem makes you smarter. You can now drop the name 'yellowfronted tinkerbird' into casual conversation, and back it up with real knowledge. Besides, that bird is way cute.
- We have humour. Yes, that's what it is. If you don't recognise it, speak to your physician about changing your meds. Warning: these jokes were road-tested by professionals on a closed track. Do not attempt at home.
- SashaQ has a caption challenge for you: what does the mysterious glove symbolise?
- It being Shakespeare Week, we not only have Shakespeare snark and Shakespeare jokes – and Shakespeare quizzes to test your mettle – but we also have a Tale from Shakespeare, with suitable commentary. Read along as we name and shame King Henry V as a sexual harasser, and prepare to ace your literature exam. Cliff Notes has nothing on us.
- Henry V went to France, and so did bobstafford. Bob brought back a better picture.
- We have whimsical photos, and the Obligatory Cats, along with a must-have cat requisite that explains why aliens are hanging around the Post Office these days. Share and enjoy.
- SashaQ has acquired another rabbit. See? We aren't all about kitties. We have a song for Sasha.
- This week also features the hair-raising conclusion to FWR's vampire saga. Find out how Twice Bitten ends, and book your tickets for the movie premiere.
- Want to take better photos? For those of you who have graduated from the 'pointing the mobile with eyes closed' school, bobstafford has some tips about lenses on real cameras.
- We also have videos. One involves Shakespeare and one doesn't.
Fun trivia fact: Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare died on the same day, only they didn't. Explain.
Simple. The English wouldn't use the modern calendar because it was a Communist….er, Popish conspiracy to deprive them of a couple of perfectly good weeks. We like silly factoids like that, as long as you don't ask us to explain that calendar change. We'll let Ben Franklin do it.
Anyway, read, enjoy, send more copy! Remember, you've still got another week to showcase your Favourite Places. Write, draw, make a video, take a picture! It's all good.
And have a good week out there!
Dmitri Gheorgheni