The Very Casques That Did Affright the Air at Agincourt

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Mais où sont les neiges d'antan? Superfrenchie goes on a historical journey.

The Very Casques That Did Affright the Air at Agincourt

A wooden figure at Agincourt.

Superfrenchie went forth to Normandy again. She brought us back some photos. Your Editor had pleaded with her to take us on a guided tour of the infamous Battle of Agincourt, which you may remember as the subject of a hit movie by the incomparable Kenneth Branagh. We think the screenwriter was somebody named William. Superfrenchie obliged on her latest holiday. She had some bad news for history buffs:

So I didn't go to the actual battlefield. Anyway, it's just a field, there's nothing left there. (Not even a tiny little arrow).

But the little museum was really interesting and informative. There were pictures, texts and videos, so it wasn't boring at all.

Here are pictures of the Entrance doors and the supporting structure for the panels. You might notice a bit of a theme...

And pics of some wooden figures that are scattered all around the village.

The last one is the museum's toilets. Immersive experience, you say?

We thank our roving reporter on the scene and award Superfrenchie the Cordon Sanitaire with Parsley Cluster as the h2g2 Post's military correspondent. We have defaced her stunning photos with Shakespearean graffiti to add a 'you are there' touch. We sing Non Nobis and Te Deum. – DG

Entrance to the Agincourt museum.Inside the Agincourt museum, and a longbow.
A wooden figure adorning the village at Agincourt.Les toilettes d'Agincourt.

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