Hibernation Activities It's literally the dead of winter, folks. The Groundhog let us down. It will probably be snowing on Easter Sunday in the relevant climes, which will be bad news for the bonnet industry. Outside the Post Office window, the sun is shining deceptively – on fresh snow, at a temperature of -7° C. The heck with it. We've got a (gluten-free) cake coming hot out of the oven, the whole menagerie is asleep, and h2g2ers have posted half-a-dozen snork-worthy quips at me in the last hour. I say the sun can keep shining – Buzzardina the cat has found a spot near a window – and I will keep typing.
Yesterday, Robbie Stamp said the reason he loved the h2g2 Post was the way we put a novel spin on odd topics like snow rollers. Apparently, many of you agree. For this reason alone, you will enjoy this week's issue: it has Added Snark. It also has lots of cool photos – our contributors have outdone themselves – and a brand-new column! Starting this week, bobstafford will be sharing The View from My Window. Not only will you get to see some of Bob's superior photos, but he'll pass on some expert advice on how to take your own. See? We're looking out for your interests.
Speaking of looking out for each other's interests, a couple of weeks ago, Benjaminpmoore shared his insights on the practical difficulties of being out of work in the UK. The Editor was unable to pursue this topic, due to complete lack of knowledge. We turned to SashaQ, who has experience in UK job searching. This week's issue has a valuable contribution to the discussion. Please read 'The Hidden Job Market in the UK', and add your own insights. Brainstorming: another thing we're really good at around here.
So what else is there to read? Are you kidding? This issue is full of things to read and enjoy:

- Lots of nature pictures: Willem's painted us another beautiful antelope. Sasha has spotted lots of birds. Tavaron found an adventurous tortoise. I pointed the camera out the window again, and then was so proud of myself I wrote a poem about it. Endure. For bobstafford, the road goes ever on, through some interesting landscape. Superfrenchie has some wildlife (hopefully) not found in nature. It will give you pause.
- Cactuscafé and Freewayriding looked up. At night. On the right night. See the supermoon.
- Awix eschews the outside for the worlds to be found inside the cinema, as always. Read his review of the latest high-profile effort starring Daniel Day-Lewis.
- We have a full complement of quizzes. Alas, Bluebottle has discovered that Z is the end of the alphabet, even on the Isle of Wight. Enjoy the quiz – there is nothing penultimate about this one – and give Bluebottle suggestions for his next exciting quiz series. (Seriously, do this: we want to keep him busy.)
- We have the usual attempts at humour. Keep calm, and carry on.
- We have a terrific story by FWR, full of excitement, adventure, and encounters with skinheads. Please read.
- There's a photo to caption, and it's a puzzler. The literary corner is a puzzler, too: who knew the Nazis were into hemp growing? This historical revelation opens up so many possibilities, such as a psychedelic rendition of Die Wacht am Rhein…enjoy the pictures.
You know what's expected of you: read, leave comments, tell all your friends and Twitter followers about us, and send us your copy. Help the Core Team think of ways to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the h2g2 phenomenon next year. Send your ideas to [email protected].
Bundle up (unless you're on Willem's side of the equator), and have a great week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni