The h2g2 Post 17.02.14

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 17th February 2014

Science and Other Matters

Space: The Silly Frontier. February is Science Month around here. We notice approvingly that some of you have already written Guide Entries on serious scienctifical topics. Good for you! The rest of you, get cracking. Or amble over to Peer Review and give them a hand with it. We can use more knowledge.

Here at the Post, we're handling the other side of the Create Challenge: the Science Fiction part. We've already had some good story stuff, and there's more this week. Minorvogonpoet shares a tale of exploration, and the Steampunk Theatre is back with a look at the retro future. It's irresistible. How could the past have thought the future would look like that? Why couldn't they imagine us? (Maybe because we're unimaginable?) Anyway, February's a short month, so get your juices flowing and send us more Stuff. We love science fiction.

Our regular writers are back with fascinating stories of their own. Willem shows us a beautiful frog (all frogs are beautiful), Ben's got more wisdom, Awix has more cinema, Rod has more DIY advice, and Amy has interviewed another Venerable Researcher.

The Post Quiz this week is dedicated to Prof Animal Chaos. He will not stop talking to Your Editor about the weather. No matter how much begging goes on. Obviously, weather is a very important topic.So we've decided to capitulate. Let's see how much you know about major historical weather events.

No matter what the weather is doing outside, you've always got h2g2. Wherever you go on the site, you'll find volunteers working hard to bring you the best. Let them know you appreciate.

Have a good week, and remember our address: postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. Drop us a story, essay, or photo.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Ornate frog by Willem
  • .

  • twitter fame is boring.



  • Finding solar disks.
  • Rock Jones and the Prof talk Science.

  • Toy train.
  • Rod's Green Man, part  17

  • Anti-gravity cinema.
  • Sun and clouds.
  • .


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