Oddity of the Week: Toys from Trash

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Tinkering enthusiasts, we have just the thing for you!

Toys from Trash

Making toys from tin cans.

Do you ever wonder what people did with their copious free time in the days before the internet took over? (We know Mags does. What would she do without monsters to kill?) Well, ask no more. Hobbyists spent hundreds of hours making things. No, not programming them. Making them.

This book, available courtesy of archive.org, tells you how to make toys from tin cans. It was published in 1919 – in hardcopy, of course – by Edward Thatcher.

Just think about what a difference 95 years makes. Back then, some kid would have been delighted to get this neat army truck from Uncle Bob. He'd be the envy of his neighbourhood. And look at the recycling possibilities.

We're sure our Rod will want to take a stab at this project, even if it isn't wood. However, we're wondering if it works with modern containers. After all, there's not much tin in the present-day tin can, is there?

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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