A Conversation for Oddity of the Week: Toys from Trash
Enterprising, those Old-timers!
Willem Started conversation Feb 17, 2014
Hi Dmitri! Thanks, this is a very interesting book, I've been looking it over. To think a parent can actually *make* toys for the kiddies! My parents did ... my grandma made me a lovely stuffed thing, like an octopus with only two arms, and a few other things too, and my sis and I also made some of our own toys.
Enterprising, those Old-timers!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 17, 2014
That is so , Willem!
My dad brought home things from work for science projects and such. Once, he brought home some old blueprints, and showed us how to treat them with chemicals to remove the ink. We ended up with linen - and my mom made me an old-fashioned shirt out of it.
That sort of hands-on stuff is more valuable than all the store-bought toys there are, I think.
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Enterprising, those Old-timers!
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