A Conversation for h2g2's NaJoPoMo 2011
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Deb Posted Oct 27, 2011
I do understand your point, Effers, I only made my comment because this is the place people are signing up committing to post a journal a day. To me there seems no point in signing up for a commitment you're not, well, committed to.
Just my , for whatever that's worth
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Effers;England. Posted Oct 27, 2011
I was referring to the message that could be put out on ASk..not this thread, which yes, is specifically about that.
I'll endeavour to be doing it once a day..I've been doing that for ages in any case.
We can give it a different name...something catching though like HoMo (Home month)
If someone else doesn't do it..once I'm off pre-mod I'll do it on Ask.
Actually the closer it is to the time it starts the better for that message
Effers;England. Posted Oct 27, 2011
Actually you're right.
We could do a h2g2 one after this one..we'll learn stuff to use for that.
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Deb Posted Oct 27, 2011
I think that's a great idea, Effers.
I've never posted to my journal before this. I find it quite a scary prospect, putting my thoughts out there for anyone to read (if anyone accidentally falls into my PS and finds my thoughts, that is!) and judge. I'm not much of a writer but I'd like to be and a journal would be a good place to flex my creative fingers, as it were.
As you still on pre-mod? I don't know how it works but assumed your posts would disappear immediately you hit post and not show up again until they'd been checked.* I just read what you posted 10 minutes ago. It'd be great if your pre-mod had ended, it must be quite disruptive.
*I'd be perfectly happy for someone to correct me on this one!
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Effers;England. Posted Oct 27, 2011
The Pre-Mod thing is tricky. One part of me is very angry and frustrated about it..another part thinks it's the right thing. I think the latter is probably best listened to at present.
I came off it last week and went straight back on it
I'm feeling better about it now as I can see more positives here for me..and what I can contribute long term.
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Effers;England. Posted Oct 27, 2011
Sorry forgot half of what I intended posting.
It's brilliant you are doing the journal thing if you haven't done it before.
It can be anything. Maybe start more safely and then go more personal. Or not. That might not be what you want to do..
I think it would be good for all of us doing it to be supportive of one another..if that is needed..it might not be.
Contact me on my space at any time though if you want about it..and that can be positives as well.
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Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits. Posted Oct 27, 2011
Yay deb! Good to see you here.
Great to see the enthusiasm! Hold on to that when you are staring midnight in the face on 14th November...
There is a link to this on the front page, in the Create section of the front page. But I shall drop a note in Ask as well, that is a good idea.
Personally, 2legs, I rather hope you choose whichever option which means we get to read it, ie, the one suitable for NaJoPoMo. Don't let me dissuade you from doing the double though. Who needs sleep?
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Sol Posted Oct 27, 2011
Right, Ask thread posted.
Just realised deb signed up ages ago. Definitely time to get that list up!
I will end up posting lots of things about how cute my kids are. Just be thankful that h2g2 is arranged in such a way that my 'no photos of the kids on the net' rule is will not be challenged by my need to find material.
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Effers;England. Posted Oct 27, 2011
Sol. Thanks.
But we should organise a specifically h2g2 thing of it in future.
I'll talk to you about that in just over a month
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Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Oct 28, 2011
Several things, in no particular order.
1) Those who sign up for this NaJoPoMo challenge should "Decide" to do this. In other words: commit, promise, strive, endeavor, prevail, DO! It ~would~ be pointless to set up an event like this and not have any clearly defined guidelines. A time-frame and a minimum production limit is a natural part of such an event.
2) It ~should~ still be geared to having fun as we do it. Perhaps generating a "Splash Page" with the rules, guidelines, suggestions, and admonition to enjoy the project would greatly enhance the "mind-set" of those who've signed up. It could list a number of suggested genres, topics, styles, formats, etc. It could provide a dozen or more "prompts" as springboards to writing a Journal Entry. It could adjure the participants to "unlax and rewind" so this plays out as an enjoyable endeavor for them, and suggest a few ideas to keep it fun.
3) Organization is a key to success in a project like this. I've already generated a table with the dates in November, coupled with a topic for each date. At present, I have 16 of the 31 days filled in, some with just a descriptive Title, others with a Title and some notes on specific ideas I want to address on the topic. The days I've filled in are not necessarily in order or contiguous; some topics I've paired with particular days of the month because of my own rationale concerning the day number and how it might relate, i.e., my Sister's birthday is on the 4th, so I'm devoting a short posting, about our early family life and where we are now, on that date.
4) I went back through the thread trying to find a comment someone made, without success. The person suggested "starting early" with writing the Journal Entries. By doing so, the Writers can "get a jump on" the perceived volume of work, and possibly "stay ahead of the curve". In essence, writing in advance gives you a "buffer zone" if Real Life conspires to rob you of valuable time to develop a Journal Entry. I've already written three of the initial postings, and will continue to "double up" on production to stay consistantly ahead.
I hope these ideas help prepare at least one other "Writer" for the exciting Jornal Journey we'll begin in just a few days.
Do Improbable Wok
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Effers;England. Posted Oct 28, 2011
DIW..I'm doing it in the way that is everything the opposite of what you just said.
I've been writing a journal a day more or less for the last 3 or 4 months.
And I've been writing poems and stories nearly for the last 50 years.
Thanks for your mesage
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Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Oct 28, 2011
I'll be making absolutely no attempt to be organised. My life isn't organised; my journal shouldn't be any different, or it won't be *mine*.
There's generally at least one thing a day that I can spin into a few paras, and as it'll be what I'm thinking of at that moment it will be easy to write. At least, that's the theory I'm following.
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Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Oct 28, 2011
Evidently Happy Nerd is one of those "fly by the seat of your pants" individuals. Sure, just wing it! That's ~one~ way to make it fun. The adrenaline rush of impending deadlines, the mad scramble to cough up ideas at the last moment, the crazed frenzy of scribbling and editing while trying desperately to hone the piece so as not to appear [fill in pejorative here], and trying to remember where the Little, Brown Handbook got mislaid because you [another pejorative] at SPAG.
Yeah. Been there, seen it, done it, got the T-shirt. I don't like the stress. Good in small doses, but as a long-term investment--detrimental. I know some folks thrive on it because it causes them to get flashes of inspiration, sparks of genius, and synergy of visceral connections of disparate concepts that produce something new and incredible.
I'll be interested to read a discussion of how some of our "wing it" authors come by their ideas and the processes they use to fashion them into beautiful prose. Sounds like a whole 'nother "follow-up" thread, doesn't it?
Warped Bimbo Look
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Sol Posted Oct 28, 2011
*In awe of B4* I mostly plan on panicking at 11.30pm and writing the first thing that comes into my head.
We've got the page were hanging off. I am absolutely supportive of any one who wants to start new threads here. There's one about for suggestions for topics for sure *waves hand at the convo list*
I like the idea of having a planning and process thread. I'll start one/them later, unless anyone else wants to?
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You can call me TC Posted Oct 28, 2011
I, too, am in awe of B4. He writes so eruditely, it puts me to shame.
My intention was to take something that happened during the day and try and expound on it in general terms, so as not to bore people with my personal stories - the personal story would be the springboard for the entry, but it could also be something in the news.
But then I couldn't start a list now of what I'm going to write each day, because I don't know what is going to happen.
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HonestIago Posted Oct 28, 2011
My plan, such as it is, is to use something from the day as a springboard: I'll be back at work and there's always something mental/worth mentioning going on there, with longer/more thoughtful stuff on weekends.
Mondays, when time is tight for me, I might be relying on Misfits reviews (I've already got a Being Human thread in my journal) or using some of the stuff I've been writing over the past few days as back up material.
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Deb Posted Oct 28, 2011
I plan to bore people with my personal life. It's pretty dull and repetitive so I'll be trying very hard not to say the same thing twice!
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Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Oct 28, 2011
I suspect I'll be opting for a combination of 2350 panic posting and whatever stream-of-consciousness drivel happens to come out when I'm on lunch.
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- 61: Deb (Oct 27, 2011)
- 62: Effers;England. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 63: Effers;England. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 64: Deb (Oct 27, 2011)
- 65: Effers;England. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 66: Effers;England. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 67: Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 68: Sol (Oct 27, 2011)
- 69: Effers;England. (Oct 27, 2011)
- 70: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Oct 28, 2011)
- 71: Effers;England. (Oct 28, 2011)
- 72: 8584330 (Oct 28, 2011)
- 73: Ivan the Terribly Average (Oct 28, 2011)
- 74: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Oct 28, 2011)
- 75: 8584330 (Oct 28, 2011)
- 76: Sol (Oct 28, 2011)
- 77: You can call me TC (Oct 28, 2011)
- 78: HonestIago (Oct 28, 2011)
- 79: Deb (Oct 28, 2011)
- 80: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Oct 28, 2011)
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