A Conversation for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000

I play warhammer 40k

Post 1

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

Greetings, I come from the eastern fringe to devoure your kind.
(Yes, I command a Tyranid army.)
Also I have found others who play. I can give their identity away if you wish.
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 2

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

No other warhammer pages????? ARE YOU MAD!!!!!!!! I am and i found about 7, didn't count them, on the search engine. any how, i play.
Marines and Eldar.

I play warhammer 40k

Post 3

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

I also have a Tzeentchi Chaos Marine army that doubles up as an Iron Warriors army...
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 4

Zim- I hate AOL

I also play this "Warhammer 40,000." I wish they made an Earken Invasion army. Heeeeeyyyyyy. That's a great idea!!!!. I shall create my own giant army of EARKEN INVADERS!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASFHGBISLDFVJHADKFJVNDKAFJGBUVjhgsaidhgasdjaUJSGFKJBSDKGdfjhgjf...cough...cough... Sorry. Had a heart attack. I play the things you call tyranids and the things that will most unfortunately eventually die out (Eldar) unless they are save from the one they feel so protective of. (Tau) I also command an army of the Empire and host of Lizardmen in Warhammer Fantasy. My friend plays Tau and Space Marines and in fantasy plays Dwarves (???). YOU WILL REPLY...OR DIEEEEE11JKSARDGHJB;jhbs;kdfjg;a...cough...cough... Over and out...


I play warhammer 40k

Post 5

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

yes, erm, hello Zim.
Nice to find another player, especially a Tyranid.
What colour is your 'Nid army painted?
Mine is a slightly darker version of the lightning bolt blue one in the Codex. It looks really good. My army is not quite finished yet, but it will be soon...
cough cough
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 6

Zim- I hate AOL

If you have ever seen an Earken you know that they have green skin and for some reason like purple clothing therefore most of the skin is a light metallic green while the chitinous armor is grape. There teeth and claws are a bright metallic orange. I have little painted right now. Only 16 gaunts 3 swarms 1 biovore and 1 zoanathrope and my hive tyrant ATOMOS. He's the ultimate sit back and blow them to pieces hive tyrant. you got AOL or AIM. maybe we could chat about our mighty tyranid swarms or at least soon to be...


Over and out...

I play warhammer 40k

Post 7

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

my Carnifex is going to be quite painful to the enemy (when i use him)
he's got a barbed strangler, in this case it's strength 8.
"Here little Space Marine Characters...."
Muwah ha ha!
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 8

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

oh yeah go to A786396 and sign up! (shameless plug)smiley - ok
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 9

Zim- I hate AOL

I haven't decided if I'm going to give my carnifex a barbed strangler or rending claws. I think maybe I'll give him both. He'll have the power to wipe out tons of space marines and be able to rip a land raider to SHREDS!!! Oh.. this is going to be great..... I think I might also want a harridan just in cae I can't use the deep strike rule. Can harridans carry any flying gaunts or just gargoyles? I need to get the chapter approved rules! My blade gaunts would be invincible if I could get a Harridan. I'd just swoop in, tear a space marine devastator squad to shreds, and viola! No more heavy weapon problems to take out my warriors. oooo I really need to get one. I want some Raveners to with devourers. They'd have 11 ATTACKS EACH IN ONE TURN. (6 from devourer and 5 from charging and sything talons!)


Over and out...

I play warhammer 40k

Post 10

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

I really dont like nid. Both my armies are combat armies (Eldar and Black templar) so when you nutters spend 5 points and create a supreem destruction machine

I play warhammer 40k

Post 11

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

dunno about the gaunts on the harridan.
what have your raveners got? surely they'd have 4 attacks in combat if they had a pair of talons and a devourer.
Mine get 5 attacks each if they charge because of the 2 pairs of talons each...so surely yours would have 4 attacks 'cos they've only got 1 pair...
smiley - reindeer

I play warhammer 40k

Post 12

Zim- I hate AOL

??? Purple moose. you'd have 6 attacks if you charged with one of your raveners. 3 normally+2 from the 2 sets of talons+1 from charging. I would have five if I charged because 3 normally+1 for talons+1 for charging. Then I also get 6 attacks from the devourer.

Eggy, i also play Eldar. Actually, I usually play Eldar. I love exarch powers. especially sustained assault when useing Baharroth. IT'S AWESOME!

I play warhammer 40k

Post 13

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

Sustained assaualt and a web of skulls. The web of skulls give potential 4 hits, sustained assault potentialy infinity, and do that for each attack!!

But really i think the Nid codex was messed up, they are to powerful.

What Craftworld you collect?? Im a Space budgie (Saim-Hann) myself, can feild 82 (yes count them, 82) jetbikes on one deployment table!

I play warhammer 40k

Post 14

Zim- I hate AOL

I just play a normal Eldar army. Maybe once I finish with my 'nid army, Tau army, and Eldar I might start one of the given craftworld. I'll probably be Iyanden just because Wraithlords rule and the wraithcannon is ultra cheese.

Tyranids really aren't THAT powerful. Their saves suck and they can't get any invulnerable saves. Lictors, rippers, zoanthropes, and biovores also can't count as surviving units in meat grinder battles, and they can't capture table quarters. You're allowed to shoot any unit within range so the ultimate screening rule is out of play, plus you have the behavioral instinct rule for everything except synapse, and even with a hive node in a squad they can always fail. So a tyranid player to leave a lot to his rolling unlike Space Marines who are really just low in numbers. Besides, Space Marine players can get really cheap with the voluntary fall back rule if you use it. I always limit my friends by saying space Marines can get destroyed by a sweeping advance if they do that though. Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me with my article. I made one called Races of Warhammer 40k and I need you and purple moose to fill in any blanks. Like you with info on Black Templars. and Purple moose can work on the Tyranid section. I'm going to be adding more soon, but I've been a little busy. Thanks

I play warhammer 40k

Post 15

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

ok i'll do the Tyranid bit.
Sorry about the ravener thing, i was almost convinced they had 2 attacks standard...
*goes and looks at Codex*
Oh yeah, 3 attacks basic. Sorry.

How complicated do you want the article to be? Do you want history, troop descriptions, tactics for and against? or whatever else?
smiley - reindeer
Are they all going to be on the same article? Or seperate entries?

I play warhammer 40k

Post 16

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

Ill do the Black templar bit, adn i could help with the Eldar bit if you want aswell.

I play warhammer 40k

Post 17

Zim- I hate AOL

Right now we can just concentrate on background on the races in history. If you want troop descriptions that would be great too. Eggy can help me with the Eldar and can do the Black Templar one (aren't they supposed to be witch hunters or something) Purple moose can fill in some blanks with the Tyranid one I started and do anything else he plays. I'm going to get some info on Tau from my friend. he plays Tau and space marines and he even use to play Space wolves but I always kicked his butt. Try and get other people into this too if you can. I'm going to need as much help as I can get since I don't know that much about races I don't play, except for Tau of course. Thanks guys.
By the way, Purple Moose did you get my e-mail about the wargames connecter thing?

I play warhammer 40k

Post 18

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

right..... black templar.....

I play warhammer 40k

Post 19

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

how many words??? cause i could write an entry on history of the Eldar

I play warhammer 40k

Post 20

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

ooo, um dunno, my e-mail has been checked rarely over about the last few weeks, just gonna go and check...
smiley - reindeer

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