A Conversation for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000

Warhammer Quest

Post 1


Has anybody played / got this?
Now... the thing is, is, that I've never been a fan of Warhammer. 40k, yes, but not Warhammer. And yet...
Warhammer Quest rocks, because it is the most ripe role-playing game ever for unsportsmanlike play,urine-taking and enjoyable cheating. Since nobody actually controls the bad guys (unless you take it seriously and appoint a gamemaster), there's no sense of competition, and therefore no bar to stop outrageous liberties being taken with the rules. It's you and three other folks versus an entire subterranean tunnel system of scumbags, dregs and monsters. And normally, these bad guys don't have much of a chance. Start resurrecting killed players all the time, and they don't have a chocalate Santa's chance in hell of stopping you. So the game quickly becomes completely pointless. But, somehow, it doesn't, because spending an afternoon wandering round mercilessly slaughtering monsters, while laughing and making up obscenely vicious and perverted descriptions of what Quentin the Suspicious Elf just did to that dead orc's face with his sword is so much fun. It's more like Ker-Plunk! than Dungeons and Dragons.

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Warhammer Quest

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