A Conversation for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000

40K is best

Post 61

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

I had a brief look yesterday (a brief look was all I had time for). I'l be having a more in depth look at some point.

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 62

Mike A (snowblind)

As is my regular opponent. Cool. smiley - smiley

40K is best

Post 63

Isambard Fortisque StJohn Smithe

Not really. As I have plasme grenades, so if you are in cover we fight in iniative order (ie Harlequins go first). If we are not in cover, we fight in iniative order (se above). If you charge me, we can ignore the holofield rule, and therefore fight in iniative order....

I just pray you don't have any flamers!

40K is best

Post 64

Mike A (snowblind)

So, your Eldar fight first. Can you kill the Beserkers though?

40K is best

Post 65

Isambard Fortisque StJohn Smithe

Well, those who I can't kill I can give a few good dress tips to, luvvy!

40K is best

Post 66

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Ooh, 'ark at you, you beast you. *mince*

40K is best

Post 67

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

Harlequins?!? Able to give good advice on dress-sense?!? Hang on, don't they run around in stupidly garish clothing and then die if you sneeze at them?

Try giving tailoring advice to a Bloodthirster. It's incorporating the wings that presents the difficulties...

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 68

Mike A (snowblind)

Give it a kilt...

40K is best

Post 69

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

Yeah, but what could go with it? Those little jacket things that are part of the formal Scots dress would never fit on a 'thirster, and it has no neck for the lacy handkerchief thing to get tied around...

Leather bondage straps, maybe. But then that could be too Slaaneshi...

*spits into acid to get rid of the foulness in his mouth*

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 70

Mike A (snowblind)

Leather, studded arm bands a la NWOBHM era. All the hard bands had them. Too solid for Slaanesh *urgh*.

40K is best

Post 71

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

I think that the general hairy/scaly/loin-cloth look is quite sufficient for a Bloodthirster. After all, would you argue with it?

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 72

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

A guy I know is planning a great Slaaneshi LandRaider, with furry leopardskin seats and furry dice. A real Ford Capri of the tank world.

40K is best

Post 73

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

He deserves to burn in hell for his crimes. No-one should be allowed to get away with putting furry dice in ANY vehicle, least of all a 'raider...

Of course, I'm prejudiced against the foul perverted scum-sucking Slaaneshi slave anyway. But don't let that colour your judgement of me in any way...LOLsmiley - winkeye

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 74

Isambard Fortisque StJohn Smithe

Of course, furry dice are a crime....
But if you look at all the consoles in my Eldar vehicles, the crew are either playing 'pong' or streetfighter!

40K is best

Post 75

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

I suppose they all want to be Guile. That hair-combing thing..smiley - winkeye

How did you do the Streetfighter thing?

Necrsmiley - doctor

40K is best

Post 76

Mike A (snowblind)

I have two big furry dice on my bass guitar...

40K is best

Post 77

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

It's OK on a guitar. That's rather rare and wonderful. But furry dice in a car? I mean, anyone who thinks that it adds the personal touch to a vehicle is sadly mistaken...

Necrosmiley - tongueout

40K is best

Post 78

Isambard Fortisque StJohn Smithe

I have three inches of mud and a rather expensive looking patch or rust that make my car look 'unique'.

40K is best

Post 79

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

Expensive to create, or to get rid of?

Necrosmiley - tongueout

40K is best

Post 80

Mike A (snowblind)

smiley - bigeyes

I got my guitar idea from Jack Bruce...when Cream 'play' (read: mime) Strange Brew on this TV show, you can clearly see two *what I assume are* dice bobbing from the end of his guitar's neck smiley - smiley

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