A Conversation for How Medieval Castles were Built

Peer Review: A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 1


Entry: How Medieval Castles were Built - A873128
Author: Rooster - U208224

This is my first article. It is about how they built Medieval Castles

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 2


I have a question on the pay ?(p) I am guessing equals pounds. You might want to clarrify that for people who don't use the pound.smiley - cheers There are a few gramatical and spelling errors. So I would just reread it and fix it up a bitsmiley - ok.
Hope it goes well
smiley - geek

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 3


A small p in relation to currency means pence. The symbol for pounds is £. A styalised L which might not display properly on a US computer and usualy display what we call the hash sign. It is a prefix as in dollar $ and c for cents. You may also comes across d as a symbol for pence which was used before decimalisation when the currency was pounds, shillings and pence.


A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 4


Are you using GuideML? Because I think that you should be able to use an entity tag. <./>A187229</.>
Check it out!

smiley - geek

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 5


You should perhaps either change the title to indicate that you are discussing Medieval English castles or change the discussion of metal sources: Medieval Bavarian castles, for example, would not have made either England or Wales their first choice as metal source.


A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 6

McKay The Disorganised

This is a good start smiley - ok but its rather brief.

You tell us a lot about the master mason, then nothing about the rest of the team he's assembled.

Keep writing - this'll be good when its finished. smiley - ok

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 7

McKay The Disorganised

This is a good start smiley - ok but its rather brief.

You tell us a lot about the master mason, then nothing about the rest of the team he's assembled.

Keep writing - this'll be good when its finished. smiley - ok

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 8


Like that disorganized guy said, it's never complete until it's really boring smiley - cheers

smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 9

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Jodan smiley - oksmiley - laugh

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Will you be incorporating any of these suggestions in the entry Rooster?

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 11


The conversion of wages to 'todays money' is a little misleading - can you provide for instance any kind of comparison regarding what one could buy for a penny in Medieval times?

This could also benefit from some links to further information available on the Web, or at least sources for your information.

Pimms smiley - stiffdrink

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 12


I propose a move to the FM, as the author hasn't posted for more than two months. smiley - erm


A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 13

McKay The Disorganised

Shame - it had possibilities.

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 14

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


It still does have possibilities if we move it to the FM McKay - you (or any other Researcher) could pick it up and work on it smiley - smiley

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 15

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've just checked Rooster out - s/he's just 13 and this appears to be the only entry and no other postings.

As you say, shame, it had possibilities.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 16


smiley - ok

I'll post to the group when I'm properly back (Monday).


A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 17

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

<./>AggGag</.>/CAC is considering a rescue of this entry for promotion 'as is' in a future issue of CAC based in part upon the proposition that rooster is but 13 years of age. smiley - bigeyes

The obvious quality of the entry and its information, demonstrated by the few shortcomings pointed out, is a tribute to rooster's abilities. I happen to know a bit about stone-work and found it quite interesting. But before I proceed I would like to hear from those who have posted here as to whether such promotion is in the best interests of all.

As one of the older researchers I am often impressed by the works I see coming from anyone under 21, but I also realise there is a political agenda to be considered. Many hootists are concerned that the site is becoming too juvenile and perhaps promoting the work of a 13 year old would only confirm some people's worst fears.

Your thoughts please.

smiley - peacedove

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 18

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - borg
Persistence is fertile.

smiley - biggrin

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 19

Oberon2001 (Scout)

I *really* hope you meant futile.
I'm all in favour of this going to the AGG/CAC. smiley - ok
... However, what do you mean by under 21??? Aren't you being a bit old fashioned there? 'Cos after all you can drink when you're 18 and smoke and have sex when you're 16...

A873128 - How Medieval Castles were Built

Post 20

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Nope. I meant fertile.
"Resistance is futile" sayeth the Borg, but I say "Persistance is fertile!" smiley - biggrin

21 or any other age is just an arbitrary number. But it is generally assumed that by age 21 you have had the opportunity if not the inclination to have tried everything at least once. smiley - devil

21 used to be the age for drinking and voting where/when I grew up. 16 for driving and 18 for sex/marriage. It's hard to keep track. And of course the opportunity and the inclination for doing things will always come of its own accord, in its own good time, with no regard for arbitrary dates and deadlines.

The youngest driver in Formula One (Fernando Olonso) is 21. And I seriously hope they never get any younger. But that's probably just because in my mind, 21 was the marker between men and boys. And I've stuck with that just on the basis of knowing that it usually takes 21 years to get a chance to have tried everything once.

Thanks for giving this some consideration.
Yes, I think I'll use it in this week's <./>AggGag</.>/CAC
It appears the author has not come back so it should be 'safe'.
And if she does come back she'll find she's been given honourary 'grown up' status in her absence.

smiley - cheers

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