A Conversation for What to Do when You Fail to Survive Death

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 21


in Guide ML links are done in Capitol Letters thisly
word from text here

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 22


page turner for reference to article
Entry: What to do when you fail to survive death - A85640240
Author: frleon - U14872593

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 23


Link added. Thanks, Shagbark, but I know how to handle GuideML.smiley - winkeye

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 24

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Another little thing you can do is to make your title and headers, conform to the convention where capital letters are used for all the words apart from minor ones such as to, it, and for and suchlike.

eg What to Do When you Fail to Survive Death.

smiley - ok

This is coming along very nicely frleon. Some authors just fade away. . .smiley - tardis

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 25


As you may have guessed from looking at my colons, capital letters in English are quite a challenge for me. In Germany all nouns and names begin with capitals, so there is no difference whether they stand in headers. And we regard the part after a colon as full sentence. I'm always confused by headers with these little words...

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 26


One more thing - hydrolosis is by no means the only ecological option just google "green burial" and you will see
One article said
A range of burial options are considered green. People can forgo embalming or request nontoxic embalming fluid; buy a biodegradable container made from sustainable willow, wicker or bamboo, or even order up a simple shroud. The burial can take place on “natural burial grounds” where people are buried without markers on protected wildlife preserves. There’s even a company that incorporates cremated remains into a “reef ball” that provides habitat for fish.
What they fail to mention is these may not be legal in all localities.
Michigan where I live has tighter standards than most places.

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 27

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Colons and semicolons are a challenge for me too. I must have been looking out of the window the day they taught them to us - or the reasons for using them have been lost to me in the mists of time.

Another member here who does wonderful work on correcting mistakes in Editorial Feedback -Rudest Elf- gave me this link which is quite helpful.


A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 28


Great site!smiley - ok

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 29

Domasion Ragor

Become a Zombie.smiley - cheerssmiley - run

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 30


Great entry! Mind you, I'm not sure I like the idea of being reduced to eco-gunk.

Somebody posted a comment about Jeremy Bentham's famed 'afterlife', but I was reminded of the notorious case of the Plymothian tramp Diogenes:


A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 31

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

that newspaper article would make a great link. smiley - evilgrin

A85640240 - What to do when you fail to survive death

Post 32


Yes, and I know exactly where to include it.smiley - smiley

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Post 33

h2g2 auto-messages

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Post 34

Nosebagbadger {Ace}


smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - choc
Well done

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Post 35


this calls for a drink smiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 36


Woohoo, number two!

You drinks:smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

...heading off to University

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 37


smiley - bubbly Well done.

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Post 38

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Great accomplishment to do this in a Fremdesprache! Congratulations, your English teacher should be envious of you. smiley - envy

I hope you'll major in English. You have a gift and a great imagination.

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Post 39

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I am really thrilled to see this being selected by the Eds. Well done frleon!

smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 40


smiley - applause Bravo! A great entry.

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