Escape Pod Dreams - 117
Created | Updated Jan 12, 2006
The Polish Pickle Issue

More things you weren't thinking about while you weren't looking.
So-called 'popular' culture has a way of sucking children and adults into a lulling series of odd mistakes and silly choices. Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you find yourself doing the same thing as a couple thousand other people, something that does not involve a basic human need, such as eating, sleeping, going to the loo or wearing good shoes, and you are not sure why you are doing it, then I suggest that there is no reason for you to be doing it. Simple ignorance and stupidity seem to be the reason for otherwise 'reasonable' people to engage in behavior that doesn't seem to do anything for them, but definitely fills the coffers of a few savvy 'designers' and 'distributors', the same folks that will be changing the tune next year or next week in the hopes that the sheep will discard the 'not hot' and embrace the 'new hot'. The fact that this fashion cartel also invests their products with political propaganda of the most insidious sort seems not to bother most of the consumers or their parents, because, after all, it's 'only in fun'.

More reasons why small children should not be
allowed unalloyed acess to adult encyclopedias without supervision
by magnanimous teens:
1. 8:57 AM
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