Homeschooling and Genetics: The Battle

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Bad cultural choices.

My daughter and I were talking last night about deliberately choosing to punilize people with bad Englisch versus the clueless rubes who talk bad and couldn't care less.

Some defend their stupid misuse of the tool of language as

a culturally determined factor, like they has no choice

in the matter and it's just a "whiteblackbrownyellowgreen" thing

and I should just crawl back into my pigeon hole and

leave them to their's.

People whose mouths work properly have a choice

whether to sound like an idiot or an intelligent human being.

If you are going to speak, enunciate.

If someone cannot understand whats you is sayins,

then adjust your volume and your clarity


Do not become indignant or resulted because someone

cannot understand you.

Remember there are many things you do not understand

and you feel embarrassed when you are reminded of it.

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