Doris visits a haberdasher

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I know I keep scampering on about the subject,

but my days are filled with a search for meaning...

and if people are wandering around believing there is meaning

in what they are doing and I can't see it, then

I get a little confused.

"To each, his own", would make a lot more sense

if there were a lot more eaches owning their own


Someone else said,"If you are afraid to try new things,

or allow others to, then you are stuck with what you grew up


I've never been afraid of trying or watching others do it.

What I am afraid of is people who won't try anything,

only following the new "odd" trend and accusing themselves

of being ahead of the pack...

As for the way things were when I grew up, that doesn't apply


I was always searching, testing, probing. That was what got

me in trouble.

And I'm not sure I ever grew up.

Not if it means shedding a quarter pound of brain cells

every decade, as some seem to believe.

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