A Conversation for The Great Sioux Nation and Mount Rushmore
boy do I feel dumb!
astrolog Posted Oct 14, 2002
No need to throw a party
Alji ,{Guru},(Join The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)
I didn't realize
paulie Posted Oct 25, 2002
that it took such a long time for the sub editing process. I suppose I should really learn some patience. I just hope the subject doesn't lose some of it's urgency by the delay.
paulie Posted Oct 25, 2002
I am honored. That is by far the most entertaining single page I have seen on this site to date. I should be kicked in the you know what for not having looked at it sooner. Not to mention the new perspective it provides. Maybe now I will just write some of those entries that have been floating around in my head but I knew could never "make it". I guess I'm not the only person who ever came storming in here determined to get into the "edited guide" only to find out, it really isn't what it's all about. This place has more personality than is immediately obvious.
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Oct 25, 2002
Ooo-oo! Aren't you the sweet talking charmer! What else can we do for ya?
Seriously, your input to the Committee would be most welcomed. Gathering up other people's entries and saying a few words about them can be quite rewarding. (See your own post above and imagine being on the receiving end of it!)
If you'd like to recommend some entries or even put an entire CAC page together, please do so. Post any links here or on the <./>AGGGAG</.> homepage where the other Committee members can join in the discussion.
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boy do I feel dumb!
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