A Conversation for Pimm's

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 21


Have filed borage info away under 'useful' smiley - ok Especially if it goes with Pimms smiley - biggrin

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 22

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

It's its only use, apart from attracting lots of bees to the garden. I grew some and tried to eat it. It's supposed to taste like cucumber, which is fine if you like cucumber...

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 23


I think Pimms tastes like cucumber...but not in a bad way

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 24


Ah, well, presumably that's why we always used cucumber instead...

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 25


Earlier on this year while sat in the back garden of a friend's house (she was having a BBQ) I quietly sipped cold Pimm's all day under a scorching sun. I got absolutley s**t-faced. It's lovely isn't it? It just sort of sashays up to you, all warm-natured and polite, relaxing and befriending you. And then it smashes you round the head and buckles your knees.

This civil little entry is headed for the Edited Guide. Cheers!

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Post 26

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Post 27

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Seeing as I picked it, I was going to suggest some smiley - bubbly. But can we have a Pimms smiley, please?!

(or preferably the REAL thing)

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 28

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

"And then it smashes you round the head..."

'..with a slices of lemon and orange and herbs wrapped round a large bottle of gin!'

Luvverley stuff

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 29


smiley - cheers

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 30



A823015 - Pimm's

Post 31


Jolly good show, old man! smiley - stiffdrink chin, chin!

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