A Conversation for Pimm's
Singapore Sling
the third man(temporary armistice)n strike) Started conversation Sep 10, 2002
I thought that Pimms no 1 was a variation on the Singapore Sling. This consists of Gin, lime, bitters and lemonade. The taste and clour are similar but not exact. As for the drink itself I can't abide the stuff!
Singapore Sling
the third man(temporary armistice)n strike) Posted Sep 10, 2002
Oh yeah, if you're going to actually try a Singapore Sling you must also add Cherry Brandy, Cointreau and some Pineapple
Singapore Sling
Trout Montague Posted Sep 10, 2002
My modicum of understanding is that a Pimm's cocktail is a type of Gin Sling, and that a Singpore Sling is also.
But it's all so cloudy!
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Singapore Sling
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