A Conversation for Pimm's

Writing Workshop: A823015 - Pimm's

Post 1

Trout Montague

Entry: Pimm's - A823015
Author: Dr Montague Trout - U188966

Here's something a bit different to Cheese and Diatribes on my Camping Holidays.

Needs some linkage and footnotes before I consider the hardstuff in PR. All suggestions will be considered in a mature and thoughtful manner.

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 2

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

Excellent, Mont. Look forward to seeing it in PR.


A823015 - Pimm's

Post 3

Trout Montague

After a morning traipsing around a Pumping Station Control Panel Workshop, I'm glad to see my Sunday wasn't completely wasted then!


A823015 - Pimm's

Post 4

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

No (sorry, can't resist this comment) - an entry on Pimms is certainly not fruitless.

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 5


Much as I dislike the drink itself, I have to say this is a good entry and is pretty definitely up to withstanding the ri.

The end could do with a couple of tweaks, though: "... only vodka-based No. 6, mixed with vodka, is still manufactured." has too much vodka (if such a thing is possible. The last section could do with a couple of comments, rather than just the recipe.

Couple of suggestions for links:
A223002 - The British Empire (should stop people moaning that the "wherever the sun doesn't set" comment is tricky to understand).
and of course
A4960 - Alcohol
There's A331084 on gin as well, though it seems that it ought to link to this as well as the other way round.

Good luck.

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 6

Trout Montague

Good, thanks, Baggers. Done and dusted. I'll give it another half-day in the W workshop, then PR.

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 7


smiley - ok

If anyone's wondering, ny first sentence somehow lost the last two and five-sevenths words: "gours of Peer Review"

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 8

Trout Montague

I had supposed it was "...de through PR"

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 9


That was close enough. You're doing better than I, anyway, since I just mis-counted the number of words.

A823015 - Pimm's

Post 10

Trout Montague

It's over here now, slightly modified. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F48874?thread=208749&latest=1

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