A Conversation for The Temple of Love
Need some lovin'
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Sep 20, 2002
I'm open to suggestions, or any vibes you care to send my way...
Reading the page made me feel.......relaxed and open.
I'm working my on my new home and hoping for a total transformation, I'd love to share it with someone but I can wait till it's perfect.
Thank you for writing the entry...
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 23, 2002
Welcome to the Temple of Love GalaxyBabe....
I'm glad that you like this cyberspace.
I created it so that anyone that wanted to share their joys and their pains could have a place to air them - I believe that the act of stating one's feelings (even if to no-one else but yourself) makes them more tangible and therefore enables one (ooh I sound all posh...) to view them objectively.
I also created this page as a bit of a giggle really to begin with, but as I started writing I realised that this space was really aimed at myself and made me contemplate bringing into my own life - something that I have come to see is most definitely needed! You cannot have too much love in your life!
I'm sending you thoughts of and
to your new home.
May I be so bold as to suggest that to transform our outer life (or environment/home) we need to transform our inner life (our hearts deisires and agonies) first?....
We need to love ourselves first before anyone else can truly love us (and not just become attatched to us, if you catch my meaning). Easier said than done I know!
Feel free to come here anytime and use this space to think about what you really want out of life and a potential mate.
What is it that would make you *truly* love yourself more? What is it that your Soul *really* needs?
I used to think that to love myself would be giving in to the greatest arrogance. Through some intensive soul searching (and counselling!) I came to the realisation that I am perfect as I am - not *perfect* in the way that I am some enlightened guru , but in that I am as I am meant to be.
We are all beautiful. We all deserve . We should love ourselves more (and that means taking care of our bodies and it's needs as well as the needs of the Soul).
To love someone else, we must ourselves first....otherwise how can someone else truly love us in return, or how can we accept their love?
On a practical level, how about buying a rose quartz crystal to wear, or have in a special place in your new home? Rose quartz crystals are attuned to the heart chakra/centre (going to get all mystic now, beware!) and they vibrate to the dance of .
Its a good idea to cleanse a crystal first, as this will remove any vibes other than your own - there are several ways of doing that. My favourite is to place the crystal in a bowl of salt water (sea salt and mineral water is best) overnight in a place where the light of the full moon will shine on it. You can leave the bowl there for the 3 nights that the moon is full or for just one night. In the morning rinse the crystal and put it into a clean bowl of water where the sun's rays will shine on it.
It's also a good idea to cleanse your crystal periodically to remove any icky vibes that it has picked up.....crystals act as amplifiers to your feelings, so that's why it's essential to find a crystal that you are *drawn* to.
How about smudging your new home with incence? Smudge sticks are bundles of herbs and leaves (often sage is used) that the Native American people will use to cleanse themselves or an area for ritual purposes. You can find smudge sticks in some new age type shops, or else you could use incense sticks, or maybe make your own from bundles of fragrant herbs.
I "smudged" my house when I moved in 6 months ago, and it really helped me to feel that I had made it *my* space.
On a spiritual level, how about finding some time (even 5 minutes will do) regularly when you can sit down ( or maybe lie down in the bath....) and think loving thoughts to yourself. Try visualising green and pink light around your heart centre, and draw that light into you. Maybe you could see your heart as a that slowly unfurls in pink and green.
(Green and pink are traditionally the colours assigned to the heart chakra, and are therefore very healing and powerful for the heart and love....rose quartz is a lovely shade of pink too.)
I read once that to bring the kind of lover that you desire into your life, you can use creative visualisation to help you. This particuar woman made a collage many pictures that represented all the attributes of the kind of man that she wanted to bring into her life - she then looked/meditated on this every day for some time, and I think she might have slept with the collage under her pillow, or put it on the wall as a constant reminder of the that she was working. She found her man! Right down to pretty much every detail.
Seems that I've written rather a long (and possibly far too involved) post in response.......but I love myself, so I'll forgive myself!
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Sep 24, 2002
...........surround yourself with love, and love will come to you......
Need some lovin'
MaggyW Posted Oct 9, 2002
I found Lilian Too's book Feng Shui for Love really helpful in transforming my home for love.
Simple things like making sure I had pictures of loving couples on the wall instead of pictures of single women (I was guilty of that!).
Also putting up a picture of the kind of man who represented my ideal in the south west corner of the house/flat together with pictures of sacred mountains - eg Ayers Rock - and, literally, a pile of small stones, in the same area.
And ornaments in couples too...
Anyway, it worked for me. And jolly quickly too!
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Oct 9, 2002
Feng Shui is amazing... a friend of mine had a similar experience to you Maggy - she was single (but was searching for a man) and had a feng shui "expert" come in to her house who suggested that she put pictures up of couples and have things arranged in pairs to symbolize partnership. A few months later she met the man who later on became her husband and father of her child.
I guess that Feng Shui is just one way to signal to the Universe that you want to bring whatever element into your life. I've heard of the Indian version of Feng Shui, but I can't remember its name...but its based on Hindu teachings I believe.
Need some lovin'
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 9, 2002
I'll get on it right way!
I had already got an Egyptian male & female figure {stencil} to decorate my kitchen with, so I'll make sure I pair them up!
I already own a rose quartz crystal, it sleeps by my bed....
Last Thursday I went to the local Spiritualist Church and had some healing. it was great!
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Oct 10, 2002
Shouldn't the Egyptian stencils go as a pair in your bedroom then AGB?
Or maybe in the relationship corner of your house? I think that's the SouthWest corner, but I'm not sure
This may be of interest to you!:
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 1, 2002
I'm making my first steps to find a soulmate after seven years along and I completely agree that you need to love yourself first before you can love anyone else. Things are beginning to move for me in a positive direction and it's exciting and scary at the same time.
I'll go to look at the Lilian Too site.
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 1, 2002
Aargh! Toilet almost in the South West corner, however the true south west corner is a 'missing' area. Even worse. Time to find out what to do about it, perhaps.
Need some lovin'
MaggyW Posted Dec 2, 2002
Um...well I looked at the A-Z to find the SW corner of mine. North being 'up' (I think!!)
The trouble with Feng Shui is you do get these 'missing areas' and lavatories (which they didn't bother with in those days.' I think you're meant to keep the loo seat down to stop good energy running away.
My teacher taught me that Feng Shui, Astrology and all those other useful tools are just that - they belong in the psychological world. The spiritual world of pure ideas and creation is actually more powerful so, if you've got a 'bad' Feng Shui area you just transform it by thought and free will...which takes constant effort but still works.
So, if you 'instruct' a 'bad energy' area to be a 'good energy area' it should work! But you've got to top the energy up or it sinks back down to the psychological level again.
Did that make any sense?
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 2, 2002
You could always use a compass, which is what I did, or notice where the sun rises (east). Then you will always know.
I always keep the toilet seat down for that reason.
I always remember a story of a Feng Shui expert, who came to a poor person's house very hot and thirsty and wanting to drink. The peasant poured him a cup of clean cool water and then put some chaff on top, so that the water, so that the expert had to blow it away before drinking.
The expert was very annoyed and told the peasant where to build his new house, but told him to build it in a very inauspicious place.
Some years later, he was astonished to find that the peasant was now doing very well and had become prosperous. The peasant thanked him for his good advice. The expert asked why he had put chaff on the water and the peasant told him that he knew how thirsty the man was. If he had drunk the water straight away, it would not have quenched his thirst, but because he had to blow away the chaff, he was able to drink it slowly.
The expert smiled as he now knew the reason for the man's good fortune. He had a pure heart.
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Dec 2, 2002
Hi Zarquon
According to my partner (who knows a lot more about Feng Shui than I do...), if there is a 'missing' part of the house then the thing to do to counterbalance it is try and make the space outside the missing part attractive and balanced, so that you in effect 'bring the outside into the house', eg beautifying any garden there.
But that when it all has to go and get very complicated...
with things like depending on what part of the house is 'missing' and what you need to banish or bring in to your life will mean that different 'cures' are needed, i.e Water or Earth energy.
There is one thing that you could do inside the house to 'invite the missing energy/part back', and that's to place a mirror on the wall where that missing part is - this creates an illusion that the room continues further and will invite the energy into that mirror space.
For me, I 'attend' (energise or cleanse etc) the direction in the room of the energy that I'm focusing on (which is usually the bedroom...)
You can make a 'shrine' in a room, even if you can't physically have the 'temple' as part of your house.
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 3, 2002
Hi Leopardskinfynn!
I know I want to clear up the area outside where the missing area is. I will feel good about that whatever happens.
The house has large windows which open onto the scruffy bit outside so putting a mirror there might be difficult.
I've not idea whether I might need water or fire energy. For a good relationship, what would you recommend (the missing area is in my relationship area) - the bathroom is upstairs, although the missing area would apply there as well because of the design of the house.
I haven't created a shrine yet, as I have a seven year old who cannot keep his hands to himself.
Mind you, if I cleared the spare bedroom (I have clutter to clear and I know that effects my ability to move on), I could probably make one in there...
Need some lovin'
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Dec 3, 2002
I enjoyed your story about the Feng Shui 'expert' Zarquon...
If your house has large windows where the missing part of the house 'should' be, then maybe you could make a feature of them? I don't know if you'd need something in front of the windows to help 'slow' down the energy coming into them from the outside (like some windchimes or something), but you could make the view from those windows pleasing and clutter free, and 'bring the outside in' by making a feature of it.
I'll ask my partner about this one - he's more of the expert!
As to which energy you might need to bring in....well you're opening a whole can of worms there! I think it all depends on your own personal chart, which is discerned from your date of birth, and what kind of changes you wish to bring to your life, i.e. do you want to work on 'fame' and attract people to you?....do you want committment? etc etc.
Feng Shui seems to get very complex very quickly! If you're serious about 'Feng shui-ing' your house, maybe you could consult a practitioner who could come and look at your home and give you some suggestions?
I always think that something is pleasing to the eye and uplifts your spirit, then it will bring positive energy into your house.
You know what it's like if you have a room full of clutter and it's just plain depressing to look at (or is that just me? ) and you can feel your spirit droop, then the best way to remedy that is to clear it all up (oh yes, do I know how hard and tedious that can be....
If you look at a part of your house/room that is missing, then putting something there that you enjoy looking at/touching etc may help bring your positive vibes to it.
I would say that keeping the bathroom door closed (especially at night) is one of the best Feng Shui 'cures'.
Maybe lighting a pair of candles in your relationship area in the bedroom (if you feel that you want to bring warmth and passion/pizzazz into your life) may have the desired effect? Or maybe putting a beautiful geode there would work if you feel like you need 'grounding' and stability in your home life?
Hopefully I'll have some answers for you later on when my partner gets home...
If you don't mind giving out your date of birth here online, then maybe my partner can work out your chart for you.
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 3, 2002
Thanks for the advice, Leopardskinfynn.
The bathroom is a difficult one - I can't close the door at the moment, so perhaps I'm going to have to take the door off the hinge and plane the edge.
I don't mind giving my date of birth. It's 17.9.52 in Bury, Greater Manchester and the time was dowsed as 6.27 am (5.27 GMT).
I've put blinds against the large windows. They face a small yard and then a brick wall, and although it's south westish, the light that comes through is quite diffuse. I had planned (when I have time, and that's not often - I have a full time job and a seven year old son) to tidy up the outside area and put a wall fountain on the wall.
I would like a partner to love and be loved by and for a committed relationship for mutual growth. As this is the first time I have actively sought one since my son was born, I'm well out of practice.
I do have a significant amount of clutter and I have started to ease it out. There's too much to do all at once and finding the time is difficult. However, I started with my food cupboards and I have made several trips to the charity shop.
I'm finding books and clothes particularly difficult, so I really am doing these little by little. Other stuff is not so difficult.
It would probably not be worthwhile Feng Shui-ing the house until I've dealt with the clutter.
My bedroom is painted blue and faces south east.
I shall look forward to any helpful advice that your partner can give. .
Need some lovin'
MaggyW Posted Dec 4, 2002
Inch by inch with the clutter ZSF... it's really important to move it but it does 'hide' a lot of negative and 'dull' energy so, when you move it, you release that and it can be really tiring or even upsetting.
I've found that the best way (for me) is to focus on one place at a time - or one aspect of me - and get that to 'zing' with energy and then you can move on to the rest.
In the old days I'd try to do far too much and end up like the sailor in AA Milne's poem..just lying on the seashore waiting to be rescued. But one never is rescued.... The old knight on the white horse is us. Sigh. Still, at least if it has to be us we can, at least bring the flowers and chokkies that we actually like
I think it sounds like you're doing a great job so far - and it's interesting what a huge shift you must already have made to be considering the new relationship.
Love is scary when there have been times when it hurt as much as it blessed...
Thanks for the wisdom Fynn...your partner may be the but you're great!
Need some lovin'
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 4, 2002
Hi Maggy,
I had some unexpected time at home today, as my son's school was closed because of a power failure. So I used the time to take some more stuff - five framed prints, some child equipment and about 20 books to the charity shop. Books are my achilles heel. There is such a lot!
I also bought a Christmas tree, which is good. Last year I couldn't be bothered with Christmas at home at all - I put up no decorations, even didn't put my cards up. This year will be different. We'll still be going away to see my parents and I will make the effort.
I'm told it's a powerful Pluto transit and that it means fundamental change - death and rebirth stuff.
Need some lovin'
MaggyW Posted Dec 4, 2002
O my God...Pluto transit! Depends how it hits your chart of course... We will watch with interest. Should be transformational at least! available. (aren't these sites nice for that kind of thing?)Well done on taking the books... they are my Achilles heel too.
I have a little sacred garden in my healing room which has plants and crystals and berries in it. My dog (who is 12 and a half) just dug it up. She has never even looked at it before. Actually, she buried a chew in it.
I realise that I am re-building myself as 'an holistic expert' and starting again from scratch but that's ridiculous!!
Key: Complain about this post
Need some lovin'
- 1: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Sep 20, 2002)
- 2: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 23, 2002)
- 3: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Sep 24, 2002)
- 4: MaggyW (Oct 9, 2002)
- 5: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Oct 9, 2002)
- 6: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 9, 2002)
- 7: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Oct 10, 2002)
- 8: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 1, 2002)
- 9: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 1, 2002)
- 10: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Dec 2, 2002)
- 11: MaggyW (Dec 2, 2002)
- 12: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 2, 2002)
- 13: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Dec 2, 2002)
- 14: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 3, 2002)
- 15: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Dec 3, 2002)
- 16: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 3, 2002)
- 17: MaggyW (Dec 4, 2002)
- 18: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Dec 4, 2002)
- 19: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 4, 2002)
- 20: MaggyW (Dec 4, 2002)
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