A Conversation for The Temple of Love

Need some lovin'

Post 81

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I'd prefer for my honey to be able to show me his love whenever he felt like it or I needed it, rather than on a commercially pre-ordained day!

Need some lovin'

Post 82

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

For me, it's the day my brother died.smiley - blue

On the other hand, I'm being taken out for a Valentine's Day treat the next day. smiley - biggrin

I suppose that it's a day for the card makers and the gift sellers, to be romantically inclined if you feel like it, or a day to feel lonely, if you feel like it, or it's a day like any other.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 83


smiley - love

I sent some flowers to my best friend today. She's just realised for the first time that her first love has been using her for years...

He turns up on her doorstep whenever he doesn't have a girlfriend and she used to think 'this time he'll stay...' He never did.

Anyway, I wanted to send her flowers with a card telling her how infinitely lovable she is and how now she's let him go, her real love can turn up...and I found that most of the flower-sending people won't send ordinary flowers around Valentine's Day - you have to send the 'special offers' or nothing at all.


Marks and Spencers didn't have that problem...so I sent it from them.

Need some lovin'

Post 84

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hmm. I spent two hours yesterday with a friend who was dreadfully upset smiley - cry about something an ex-partner (and father of her youngest child) had done. Seems he's trying to have his smiley - cake and eat it too. He was telling her how much he wanted to be with her, and had been saying the same to another woman who he had been seeing for some 18 months.

In the end, she seemed a lot happier, went away to do some journalling to get the emotions out and then to look at what she actually wanted in life - and it wouldn't be him! She can also be free to find her real love now, hopefully.

She too has a problem seeing herself as lovable, I think and we talked about what she has going for her.

Yes, I used to work for a Trading Standards Department and we looked at Valentine's Day roses and how long lasting they were. Trouble is, most of them didn't last long at all! I can't remember which came out best. Good for M&S.

smiley - love

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 85

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hi Zarquon smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Well, I finally got my partner to write that Feng Shui stuff....then I caught the 'flu so haven't been able to do much about putting it up here! smiley - erm

This is going to be rather a long post, brace yourself! smiley - popcorn

Feng Shui Remedies for Missing Relationship Sector:

If at all possible the missing corner should be added to the property, ideally this would be by building the missing part of the house. However this is invariably not practical or financially viable option. The corner can be filled in by;

smiley - star Placing a light source in where the corner of the house would be if the sector was present. If you can’t place the light in the exact corner, as near to that point as possible will do. The light should ideally be elevated, 6ft high or more. Some form of standing light source or wall lamp. The light serves two purposes, marking where the corner of the house is and energizing the sector, The south-west belongs to the element earth which is nourished by fire (the light) increasing the energy.

smiley - star Making the area a useable space as a patio or similar, so it feel like an extra room making it more connected to the rest of the house, allowing the energy of the sector to enter the house and the life of the owner.

smiley - star Clearing the area of rubbish and debris. If the area is full of rubbish there will not be space for a new relationship as you need to clear out the old to allow room for the new in your live. Leaving the area cluttered with debris, or using as a storage/dumping space also causes the energy to stagnate with unneeded and unused objects. The energy of the sector is stagnant it does not flow properly and for a new relationship to enter your life the energy must flow through it to encourage that.

smiley - star Placing other decorations that will help energize the sector are wind chimes and plants which symbolize growth. The peony is the ideal plant as it is referred to as the king of flowers and the symbol of young love. Plants must be well tended and healthy as sick, starving or dying plants symbolize decay not growth. Be careful not to over stimulate the sector as this will be counter productive. Too much energy in this sector may encourage brief but ultimately unsatisfying relationships into your life, or portray desperation attracting more predatory suitors. Where possible decoration and ornaments should be used in pairs symbolizing partnership. using one or three (or more) ornaments symbolizes a different energy in the sector.

Inside remedies can be used to compensate for the missing sector:

smiley - star Placing a mirror on the interior wall as if it were a window looking out into the missing sector, creates the illusion of a room in the sector. The mirror also reflects light (fire) which nourishes the earth energy of the sector. Make sure the mirror is not facing either a bathroom or the front door. If it faces the front door any positive energy coming in will be reflected straight back out again. The bathroom causes energy to leave the house, so it being in direct line of site of the sector will leech out any good energy you create there. Keep the bathroom door closed.

smiley - star Again peonies (real or fake) or a pictures of peonies placed by the interior wall where the missing sector is will energize the sector. If the sector is only partially missing this will be effective. To determine this you will need to measure out the house and rooms and then draw a three by three grid over the drawing aligned with a compass.

smiley - star A picture of a mountain may also be effective as it symbolizes the earth energy of the sector.

In the relationship (south west) corner of your bedroom,

smiley - star Place peonies or a pair of mandarin ducks, which also symbolize young love and romance with a happy ending.

smiley - star Make sure there are no pictures of butterfly or butterfly motifs as butterflies are said to symbolize love with a sad ending.

smiley - star Or use other decorations symbolic of relationships and unions. A Shiva and Shakti statue (preferably coloured gold) symbolizing the tantric union may be helpful depending on the sort of relationship you wish to attract.

smiley - star Excessive use of objects such as lingam stones, although stating ones woman/goddess power, may be overwhelming for one of us weak minded men and keep them away. But if they don’t want you for who are……stuff ‘em.

Other remedies:

smiley - star Place an object symbolizing love/relationships near the front door to welcome the energy into the house, rose quartz might be a good choice as it is a heart stone. Make sure it points inwards to bring the energy into the house. Also ensure that there is no direct line of sight between front and back doors, as it will come in the front and shoot straight out the back. The same applies with the front door facing the bathroom.

smiley - star Make sure the bed (especially not the headboard) does not back onto the same wall as a toilet.

smiley - star Ensure no furniture in the room points directly at the bed, and there are no beams or sloping ceiling above the bed. If sloping ceiling can’t be avoided make sure they slope away from the head of the bed.

Personal Remedies (for smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote):

Kua number and directions:

smiley - star From your date of birth the Kua number is calculated to be 4, which gives North, South, East and Southeast as your auspicious directions, North being the most auspicious and East your direction for romance.

smiley - star This year coming (from Feb) is the year of the goat/sheep and which means you should not face the SSW as this is where Duke Jupiter resides for the year and facing him brings bad luck.

smiley - star Also in the Year of the Sheep/Goat The Three Killings reside in the West, having The Three killings behind you is unlucky. You should never do anything (work, sleep, conduct business) with The Three Killings behind you. This means that you should not face East, which is unfortunately your romance direction. Do not try to bring romance into your life by facing east as this will mean turning your back on The Three Killings.

smiley - star Your bedroom is in the South-East which is in an auspicious location for you but unfortunately not the most auspicious. Consider moving the bed/bedroom to a more auspicious location in the house (see above). Also orientate the bed so that is facing one of your auspicious directions. You should be able to see the bedroom door from the bed, but not be able to see the bed (at least not the whole bed) when looking straight into the room from the outside the door.

Inauspicious directions caused by the location of Duke Jupiter and the Three Killings affect everyone, it is just unfortunate that this year they coincide with your auspicious directions. Next year they will have moved.

It is important to note the difference between locations and directions. You can energize the energy in the East of the house but you should not face east.

Hope this is worth the wait! smiley - headhurts
smiley - rainbow

Need some lovin'

Post 86


I just printed all that off!

I thought you had to put the relationships symbols in the SW corner of your house - but the SW corner of the bedroom is cool. Of course in our bedroom that's the door but I can put images over it.

Thanks Fynn! smiley - smiley

Need some lovin'

Post 87

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - wow Thanks, Fynn! smiley - kiss

Just seen it! Will print it off as soon as I can. Yes, definitely worth the wait. Funnily enough, I'm off work at present recovering from 'flu and feeling a whole lot better. What am I doing? Sorting out my papers and chucking stuff out. I couldn't do it before - blocked!

smiley - hug

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 88

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I knew about peonies - however - where do you get pictures or paintings? I tried going to specialist Chinese shops, and still found nothing.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 89


Well if you'll wait, I'll take some photos of the ones in my garden and send them to you!

You could probably find pictures on the Internet and download them if you have a colour printer.

I used a picture by Jack Vettriano called 'Back Where You Belong' in my relationships area. It's a man and a woman greeting each other after he's been away and they are embracing passionately. That worked. Now we've got a big print of it in our bedroom

Need some lovin'

Post 90

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Now that's really smiley - cool!! Thanks Maggy.

I'll have a look around the net as well. smiley - ok I might even find the Jack Vettriano picture.

? Why not!

smiley - love

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 91

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I had a good look round for peony pictures and couldn't find anything suitable. Only one had two peonies on it - the rest were either singles or multiples.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 92

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Sorry about the typos - something strange seems to happen to apostrophe's when you cut and paste something from Word... smiley - erm

Need some lovin'

Post 93


The Jack picture is available in newsagents as a greetings card it's all red and bright. And Waitrose definitely stock it.

And yes, Word does terrible things to apostrophes. I think some of that is because DNA is very Apple Mac and it sicks Word up just on a matter of principle!

Need some lovin'

Post 94

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes Fynn, I've noticed that on cut and paste, too. I try to preview, so that I can take the garbage out.smiley - smiley

I now have an Apple Mac, though smiley - biggrin - that must be why it doesn't do it to me these days!

Oops, I've just noticed I wrote this ages ago and it didn't get sent.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 95

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Just been reading the suggestions again, Fynn, and no doubt I will go over them yet again soonish. smiley - star

Making the outside into a 'room', clearing the rubbish and making it feel part of the house is what I would like to do. Should be easier now the evenings are getting lighter and it's not so flipping cold.

Have you seen the entry on Feng Shui in Peer Review, btw? A805349 - a bit thin, methinks, so far.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 96

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

It looks ok to me but perhaps it has been updated since you posted your last message smiley - smiley one thing I did notice was there is no picture but does there need to be? maybe cos i'm a fan of the pics i noticed that

Need some lovin'

Post 97

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Mmm, the Feng Shui entry was at A1038700. It's been edited now.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 98

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

oh it has moved smiley - smiley

Need some lovin'

Post 99

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

As it has been edited, it will stay in this form (no pics). If you Google on Feng Shui, though, you will find no shortage of pictures.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Need some lovin'

Post 100

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Thankyou for that insight smiley - smiley

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