A Conversation for The Lost Empire of Terrania

The main Terranic throne room

Post 141

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

i was using them accurrately. Just be glad I never unrolled Orbital Dovin Basals. Those really suck to go up against smiley - ok

Besides, I wouldn't want to hurt Terrania with Verc back in charge.

The main Terranic throne room

Post 142

F F Churchton

Anyone fancy a stock exchange, the Terranic 250 or something!!!

The main Terranic throne room

Post 143

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Yea but don't we need stock to float, all we have is the crown jewels the army and a few nano bulders

The main Terranic throne room

Post 144

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

could we also have a business district?

The main Terranic throne room

Post 145

F F Churchton

Well that's a given if the busnesses are purely terranic, okay, I'll find some way of registering busnesses and purchase stock!!!

The main Terranic throne room

Post 146


we could start our own Football teamsmiley - runsmiley - football

The main Terranic throne room

Post 147

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Terrania United, maybe they can dump Man U out of the cup,

smiley - grrsmiley - bleeping Arsenal *mutter* *Mumble* smiley - wah

The main Terranic throne room

Post 148


careful what you say about Man Utd today, and for the next 7 months infact. Every Man Utd fan is going to be seething today after wat happened last night.

The main Terranic throne room

Post 149

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

And you think Portsmouth fans are happy after what happened on saturday and at Fratton Park AND on live TV smiley - wah IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The main Terranic throne room

Post 150


smiley - footballEverton!Everton!Everton!smiley - biggrin

The main Terranic throne room

Post 151


BTW : I've started up again on my history of the Terranic Army (A1321471) - which will now inevitably move on to Terrania.

The main Terranic throne room

Post 152

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Soccer sucks and most 'proffessional' players should be burnt at the stake. Not one of them would survive one week of rowing training (nor would most other proffessional sportspeople, for that matter). MU especially suck, and I think the world would be a much better place if they were all hung, drawn, and quartered, and their remains used to feed endangered species.

Should Terrania have its own currency, like the 'ghikhick' or somehting?

The main Terranic throne room

Post 153


Currency. Then we'd need banks.

Finance. Money. Loans. Stocks.

smiley - evilgrinsmiley - devilsmiley - 2centssmiley - devil


Hmm... I may be interested in cultivating the financial end of Terrani.


smiley - blacksheep

The main Terranic throne room

Post 154


Terrania, obviously.

I'm off to read the history page... smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

The main Terranic throne room

Post 155


I think you've probably seen it before. Two of the other entries I posted today are a bit heavy going maybe, but feel free to take a look at them as well...

The main Terranic throne room

Post 156


Reread, really. smiley - smiley I'll have to look at the heavier ones... I'm upset they didn't show West Wing this week, so I'm in the mood for some heavy going entries.

smiley - blacksheep

The main Terranic throne room

Post 157

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I'v got a corporation already made up for the Corporate district, if we make one that is

The main Terranic throne room

Post 158


"Soccer sucks and most 'proffessional' players should be burnt at the stake. Not one of them would survive one week of rowing training (nor would most other proffessional sportspeople, for that matter). MU especially suck, and I think the world would be a much better place if they were all hung, drawn, and quartered, and their remains used to feed endangered species."

i smell a jealous elitistsmiley - bigeyes

and i am willing to bet they would survive one week of rowing training, that goes for the majority of professional footballers throughout the leagues. i really do wonder what people think footballers do between matches. it certainly isn't sitting around twiddling their thumbs why they decide whether to wear the Ralph Lauren or Gucci Armani suit (thogh sometimes i suspect they are faced with that choice).
They train 5 times a week MINIMUM for anything upto 7hours and some go for more! that includes working on lower body, upper body strength and stamina. physical fitness is extremely important in a footballer and so is agility, which is why they are a different shape to Rugby players. in short, i don't make accusations at your chosen sport, so don't make false ones at minesmiley - biggrin

after all that, can i be the manager of any football team that pops upsmiley - grovel

The main Terranic throne room

Post 159


RIGHT, I think we should move on now.

I'm going to start a recruiment drive for Terrania.

Reefgirl, would it be possible for you to start up a page for the new Army?

I'm going to have a look at the main page and see what I can do about it soon.

I like the idea of the currency. If anyone wants to start a page for the bank/stock-exchange/money-related scheme I would appreciate it smiley - ok. Maybe rather than money we could have some sort of trading. Two half tables to a chair leg? (poor rate of exchangesmiley - winkeye)


The main Terranic throne room

Post 160


what can i do?

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