Talking Point: Television versus Radio

27 Conversations

Radio versus Television

According to the latest UK radio listening figures, the average person spends more time listening to the radio than watching TV1. At least one member of the Editorial Team admits that when they were growing up, radio was their only friend! All this at a time when the number of television channels is increasing.

So which do you prefer? Is the radio your constant companion or do you prefer nothing better then curling up on the sofa in front of the TV? Do you prefer Richard & Judy or PM in the early evening? Does any actually watch RI:SE?

  • Which medium do you prefer?

  • What are your favourite television and radio programmes?

  • Are the pictures really better on radio?

  • Does radio have a better range of programmes or has the increase in television channels led to an increase in quality?

  • Is it useful having radio available on the internet and digital television?

  • Did you know that some of the Britain's most popular comedy shows made their debut on BBC Radio?


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Shea the Sarcastic

1Approximately 92% of British adults regularly listen to the radio for more than 24 hours per week.

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