A Conversation for Thirsty?

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 161

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Sorry folks, I'm back too. I got a little busy what with the election and the church and stuff. I need a beer like you wouldn't believe.

-Archbishop Marv

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 162

The Wisest Fool

Hi Marv (or should that be Your Grace),
I religiously avoid churches. Since I got funny looks walking round St. Peter's wearing my Clash "Straight To Hell" T-Shirt it's become a kind of reciprocal thing. They don't want me there and I don't want to go. Which brings me neatly to beer.
As the old saying goes "All roads lead to... fancy a pint?"

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 163

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I can always believe someone needing a drink. I'll take a brownie in the meanwhile smiley - smiley

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 164

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Here a fair trade. I get a pint your get your cake, and you can eat it too! smiley - winkeye

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 165

Sandwich Maker

Ok first off, white bread, ewwww, and butter on sandwiches???? You mean like inside the sandwich??? Maybe I don't want to visit London after all.....but as for your sandwich, well I shall do my best although all that time under the keg has drowned my motor skills.....hmmmmm how's about a nice toasted sub roll (long roll) spread with a thin layer of herb mayonaise and some lovely grilled vegetables with fresh basil and topped off with fresh melted mozzarella. sound good enough? my best friend is vegetarian so I find all these recipes for her....go figure... Bon appetite!!

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 166

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I'm sorry I've been away so long. Now I just feel plain awful! I'll take a pastrami on rye with extra mustard and lettuce, a dark beer and a seat in the corner where I can sit and feel guilty...

smiley - winkeye

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 167

The Wisest Fool

Mmmm luvverly. Sounds a bit like a ciabatta-bread Pizza to me and I love those.
London's full of tourists at the best of times. If they had nice sandwiches too then we could see overcrowding on a massive scale!
If it's that much of a deal you can pressure the Virtual Mayoress (Fenny) to impose a Sandwich-Maker's charter. Still, I must declare that a sandwich ain't a sandwich without some butter in there somewhere IMHO.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 168

marvthegrate LtG KEA

But if you put butter on a great big ole' grinder, you might die of cardiac arrest in an instant. IMHO of course.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 169

The Wisest Fool

Which highlights my (lack of a) pension plan smiley - smiley

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 170

Sandwich Maker

Well, you will never catch me putting butter in a sandwich unless it is requested or it is on the outside for grilling purposes. AS for London, if I were to ask if you knew something about a couple of hotels there, would you be able to tell me whether they were any good? It is all laid out on my homepage. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

One pastrami coming right up and I believe there is a corner free, but why stay out among friends to help you cheer up!!!

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 171

GNP Aaron

I'll have a spam sandwich. There's so much in here, someone has to eat it.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 172

Sandwich Maker

Is that with or without the fried egg? And how about the butter, what is your stand on that???? These are questions that must be asked before the sandwich can be made.....as for there being so much spam around here don't worry, it keeps for a very long time.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 173

GNP Aaron

I'll have....lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a mornay sauce garnished with truffle pate, brandy and a fried egg on top and spam.
On a sandwich.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 174

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

You couldn't mix me up a 'green eyes' could you?
It's Vodka, Blue Curaco and OJ. And looks exactly like a glass of washing-up-liquid.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 175

The Wisest Fool

No problem...there you go.
Out of interest, does it help you to do the dishes?

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 176

GNP Aaron

it'll probably clean cutlery if you put it in THAT drink smiley - smiley

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 177

The Wisest Fool

Once you've created a 'Green Eyes', is the glass itself supposed to fizz like that?

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 178


Morning barkeep!
Wearing my Viking outfit to keep in with the Spam theme.
A large ceramic mug of mead, if you could be so kind.

Olaf the Wowbaggered
(a moose once bit my sister y'know)

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 179

The Wisest Fool

OK Wowbagger, so let's see that was Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam some Mead and a side order of Spam.

Spam, Spam,Spam...with an egg on top and Spam

Post 180

Sandwich Maker

I believe I can take care of that spam order for you TWF. Here ya go Wowbagger, some lovely spam *SPLAT* Enjoy and there is plenty more where that came from!!!

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