A Conversation for Thirsty?

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 101

marvthegrate LtG KEA

These are presumably available at our pharmacy?

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 102

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The pills with pictures of horses on them make you lose your voice

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 103

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

The Frink's Drinks Pharmacy is your full-service one-stop drug shop. If you can think of it, we can recklessly give it to you.....but you can't get pills in the bar - that's just plain bad business.

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 104

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

and if pills aren't your thing, why not go visit Monsy in the lounge.....she sounds lonely!

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 105


Try my "magick" poyz with smiley pills baked into the crust, they're gorgeous and just that little bit special.smiley - winkeye

Git yore 'ot poyz ee-ah!

Umm, The pharmacy... ri...ight. . . .

Post 106


As soon as the pharmacist can find it!!!! smiley - winkeye

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 107

Sandwich Maker

Hello everyone I am your official Bar wench/Fish sandwich maker although I can make other kinds of sandwiches. sorry I have been MIA but I am also planning a wedding and that takes up much time. As of next Saturday the wedding will be over and then once I return from my honeymoon I shall be here much more often. But please place your orders and I will fill them as quickly as possible and I promise all fish sandwiches are 100% pet free as I know we have quite a few pet fishes floating around on this site and i don't want to accidentally lose them. It is also dolphin safe unless you happen to eat dolphin because that is not very safe for them....right. Enjoy and TWF I will take a Whiskey sour with a tequila chaser........nothing like drinking on the job!!!!!!!! smiley - fish

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 108

marvthegrate LtG KEA

A Wedding!?!?!! Well, Cheers!

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 109

The Wisest Fool

Congrats SandwichMaker and good luck smiley - smiley
Here's your tequila & whiskey, you're probably going to need it!
I think Generals go to war as it's easier to plan than a wedding.

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 110


Hello wise one, can you suggest a drink for me - my husband left me on Sunday last week after 26 years. He's gone off with an old flame who is now a rich widow and left me with four teenage daughters. Just to turn the knife, he told me he still loved me but she has always been number 1 and he's been seeing her throughout our marriage - I've wasted my whole life on him!


Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 111

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

More champagne. This is costing me a fortune. Congratulations smiley - bigeyes

What ever hapened to living in sin smiley - fish?

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 112


We did that for 3 years before we got married - don't forget I was a sixties teenager

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 113

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

.....my fiancee and I have been avoiding planning our wedding for a good nine months. Perhaps we should just stay engaged forever.......

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 114

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sorry to hear that Pip. Our postings were simultaneous. I was commenting on the post above yours. smiley - fish

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 115

Sandwich Maker

Pip I am so sorry to hear that and now I am even more nervous about getting married!!!!!

As for the rest of you, yes we did the living in sin thing for over a year. Granted for part of that we were engaged, but it just seemed like the right time. And after going through all the family bullshit (his mother is a true psycho, don't even get me started), the planning, the trauma the nerves...I highly reccommend (sp?) eloping at least for starters. I really think you should elope to have a nice private ceremony for just you and your fiance/e and then later plan something to seal it with the family and all that jazz. I wish we had done it that way. OH and if you are getting married in the US seriously consider not doing it in Massachusetts, it is one of the few states that still require blood tests, but not useful blood tests like for AIDS, but rather ones for Rubella (which most people have been innoculated against) and sypphillis (which these days one only gets from hookers, which I guess would tell you something if your future spouse has it). Anyway, thank you for all the congrats and hopefully I can be excused from the bar wench duties for a couple of weeks starting Monday......please?? I will bring souvenirs from the honeymoon for y'all.......... Thanks again and Champagne for all, on the house (or me which ever you prefer). And please if anyone needs advice on planning a wedding please ask....

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 116

Sandwich Maker

Oh and did i mention how nicely everyone treats you when you tell them you are doing something for a wedding?????? They give you free things and treat you like royalty so staying engaged for a long time is not a bad thing either...........my brother and his new wife were engaged for over 2 years....

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 117

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

My ex and I had a divorce party. It was wonderful. 90% of the original wedding guests turned up. smiley - bigeyes

No one asked for their presents back. All broken after 10 years anyway smiley - fish

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 118

marvthegrate LtG KEA

It still is a sad day when another Bachelor dies and is replaced by a Husband. I miss all the bachelors I have ever seen buried.... errr.... I mean Maried.

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 119

GNP Aaron

It's a terrible day for a comedian when he/she gets married.... all those wonderful jokes about not getting any sex are inevitably replaced by mother-in-law jokes...

Get y'er sandwiches here.....

Post 120

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Single people wonder when they will next have great sex.

Married people, after a few years, wonder if they will ever have great sex again. smiley - fish

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