A Conversation for Thirsty?

Security to the bar!

Post 201

The Ghost Of TV's Frink


A new guest wandered into the bar a few days ago and is still waiting for a drink smiley - sadface

Security to the bar!

Post 202

Sandwich Maker

Sorry I wasn't angry or anything just airing my opinions, no big deal. I discovered I can login from somewhere besides my home computer so I guess I won't be out of touch until Sunday. So back to the tootsie pops, I'll take a shot of Jagermeister and a cherry pop, Please bartender!!! smiley - smiley

Security to the bar!

Post 203

The Wisest Fool

Hey TVF,
Were you referring to 'bent'???
Sorry, I was reverting to usual British bar tradition where a punter has to actually wave cash money in the air before being asked their choice of tipple smiley - sadface

*ahem* ... bent would you like a drink?
*double ahem* ...would anyone care for a drink?

Security to the bar!

Post 204

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

As I'm feeling particularly generous and I'm (virtually) absolutely loaded with (virtual) cash, then I've decided that it's my round. I'll have a pint of Carling Premier. Everyone else?

Security to the bar!

Post 205


I think I'll join you in having a premier, seeing as you're being so generous. And because they've just removed it from my local in favour of becks, the bar stewards (no offence meant to a fine and noble profession, I just don't like obvious swearing). I didn't order a drink before because I was too busy soaking up the ambience, so the lack of service wasn't a problem. Thanks for the concern though.

Security to the bar!

Post 206

The Wisest Fool

Premier it is...

Does the bar need to feel secure?

Post 207


Always takes so long to settle, doesn't it. I reckon it's time that Carling got faster bubbles. And Guinness too. Is there any real reason that having to wait 119.5 seconds should be considered a good thing? And does anyone feel pedantic enough to time the barman?

Does the bar need to feel secure?

Post 208

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Sorry TWF, I was talking about Gildor, who is located in a new forum in the bar......

Does the bar need to feel secure?

Post 209


A pub ...! I knew there'd be one around here somewhere. I'm doing research into the effects of alcohol, I need to know (before Wednesday afternoon) how long 4 drinks last as a guard against nerves, also how long six drinks last as a guard against nerves. I'm doing a presentation on Wednesday afternoon (a couple of hours after the pub) - Irving sent me over here to find out.

These two doubles are purely for research purposes, you understand ... cheers!

8 Ace

Post 210

The Wisest Fool

Imbibing a lot of alcohol is a great guard against nerves. It's also a great way to forget all sorts of things - like what it was you were supposed to be nervous about in the first place, where you live, who is your 'life partner' etc.
You've seen the old guys shuffling around city centres with bottles of cheap booze in one hand shouting obscenities at passers-by?
Well I've never seen one looking nervous smiley - smiley

Chin Chin

8 Ace

Post 211

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hi Flowerpot! Welcome to Frink's Drinks smiley - smiley

Seems to me if you could figure out a way to make the presentation while unconscious, you wouldn't have to worry about nerves at all. I'm sure The Wisest Fool can help you reach unconsciousness right quick..........

8 Ace

Post 212

marvthegrate LtG KEA

If not a good quick tap to the head by our bouncer, myself, might help. But only if ordered to by TWF or TVF.


Post 213


Business looks slow here, guys? What's wrong, competition from the Forum & Firkin?


Post 214

The Wisest Fool

Probably. After the news I got today (i.e. my weekend cancelled) I need a bloody pint, no matter where it comes from smiley - sadface/smiley - smiley


Post 215

marvthegrate LtG KEA

So give that man a drink allready!


Post 216

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

In the interests of quicker loading may I suggest we build a new bar next door?


Post 217




Post 218




Post 219

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Neither bar has much in the way of customers, drinks, or service at the moment. Speaking of which, TWF seems to have disappeared hisself smiley - sadface

At any rate, I'll be over in the Karaoke Korner, singing a new tune in a new forum:



Post 220

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Wow, haven't been to the bar in the longest time.... Good to be back. Marv

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