A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season 15 - "The Final Run In"
FF15: FF16 - World Cup
GreyDesk Started conversation Jun 2, 2006
Appearing fashionably late on the scene is the homepage for season 16 of the Official h2g2 Fantasy Football League - A12232063 - which is a special one all for the World Cup in Germany this summer.
You guys all know the pack drill for this, so get yourselves over to the sign up thread here - F4455543?thread=3111468 and stick your name down for inclusion. Then go here - F4455543?thread=3111488 for the first round of matches, and get your predictions in.
If you're new to this h2g2 Fantasy Football malarky (and frankly that shouldn't really apply to you if you're signed up to this thread, but anyway...) then take a look at the competiton's homepage here - A883064 - which gives you an idea (albeit a little bit out of date) as to what we do and how.
FF15: FF16 - World Cup
GreyDesk Posted Jun 8, 2006
We seem to be missing a couple of regulars.
* looks pointedly in the direction of creachy and Orcus *
FF15: FF16 - World Cup
Orcus Posted Jun 8, 2006
Sorry I'm vastly busy at work at the moment and can't really devote the time at the I'm afraid.
I'll be back for the proper next season though
FF15: FF16 - World Cup
Ormondroyd Posted Jun 8, 2006
Mwahaha! Worth every penny of the bribe I paid Orcus' boss! Now, as long as the kidnappers have got riotact safely stored
away, I might have a chance of winning...
FF15: FF16 - World Cup
Ormondroyd Posted Jun 9, 2006
riotact has turned up and posted selections for the first week, though. How do you claim a refund from the Mafia?
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FF15: FF16 - World Cup
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