The h2g2 Fantasy Football League Homepage

9 Conversations

Hello and welcome to the homepage of the h2g2 Fantasy Football League.

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FAQs smiley - football

1) So what is Fantasy Football then?

It's a competition in which we invite our members each week to predict the results for a set of football matches. The more accurate their predictions, the more points they win.

2) How often do you play?

We run two seasons a year. The first starts in August at the beginning of the football season and runs to about December. The second season starts in the January and runs until May when the regular football season comes to an end.

In addition to the two main competitions, we also hold small side competitions from time to time. There were/are ones for the World Cups in 2002 and 2006, plus one for Euro 2004. Also we had one for the Football League playoffs back in May 2003.

3) Is it just the scores they have to predict?

No, they need to select the name of a player who they think will score a goal in the match. There are bonus points available for getting that right.

4) How does the scoring work?

It works like this:

  • Two points for getting the result right - win/lose/draw
  • One bonus point for getting the scoreline correct
  • One point if your player scores during the match
  • One bonus point if your player scores the first goal in the match

5) Can anyone play?

Of course! Just introduce yourself and get predicting smiley - smiley

Obviously it is better if you turn up at the start of the season. But it doesn't matter too much if you're late as we can always accomodate new players at any time.

6) So where is the game being played?

For every season we start a new page, so in effect we are a bit nomadic. The purpose of this homepage is to give the competition a fixed point that can be catagorized so that we can be easily found. Then we'll advertise new competitions here as and when they come up.

We have just finished our seventeenth season since we started up in September 2001. The eighteenth season is coming up in January.

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Links to play the Game smiley - football

A link to the competition, Season Seventeen, which has recently finished - FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Seventeen - "Welcome to Big School"

A link to all the past competitions we've played - Fantasy Football Hall of Fame

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