A Conversation for The h2g2 Fantasy Football League Homepage

Any questions?

Post 1


Well post them here and we'll get back to you smiley - ok

Any questions?

Post 2

Number Six

Erm, OK... who knocked Swansea City out of the Cup in 1971? smiley - biggrin

smiley - mod

Any questions?

Post 3



Any questions?

Post 4


Which cup?

Any questions?

Post 5


Well I was assuming he meant the FA Cup, where Liverpool beat Swansea 3-0 at Anfield in the 4th round in the 1970/71 season.

Of course he could have been referring to the League Cup. Well in that case it is Tottenham in the second round, again away and again 3-0. All though obviously that match took place before Christmas meaning that it was actually played in 1970. So, if we go forward a year to the 1971/72 season then the answer becomes Brighton & Hove Albion who beat Swansea at home 1-0 in the first round.

I think I've covered all bases here smiley - ok

Any questions?

Post 6


Welsh Cup?

Any questions?

Post 7

Number Six

Perfectly correct! smiley - smiley

Although I did mean to ask 1970, not 71...

smiley - mod

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