A Conversation for P.U.D.D.I.N.G.

Me want to join

Post 81

Researcher 185550

It's a greengrocer site. Techniques for making larger produce.

Me want to join

Post 82

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah, so we're doing research into genetically modified crops? Right.
smiley - erm

Me want to join

Post 83

Researcher 185550

Well if you want. Like I said, I wasn't really interested I only heard them in passing and it's only down to an unfortunate mental condition that I remember them at all.

Me want to join

Post 84

Anastasia,bedfluff, keeper of Poking sticks

smiley - biggrin hello new to this realm and a natural cheery person......however being cheerful the majority of the times means that if for any reason I happen not to walk round with a permeant grin I get classed as having I grumpy day..in the past I denied it saying that I was happy honest and fix a plasic smile on my face but now I will stand with the PUDDING club and say YES I'm miserable and black belt in karate wanna make something of it!!!!smiley - biggrin now how do I join???

Me want to join

Post 85

Researcher 185550

If Ormy's still subscribed to this thread he'll see your post and sign you up. If not just start a new conversation on the PUDDING page and saying that you wanna join in the subject box and why in the post like y'just did.

smiley - ok

Me want to join

Post 86

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Frankly I'm surprised anyone is still subscribed to this thread, the amount of drivel we've filled it up with...

Me want to join

Post 87

Researcher 185550

Well, we would be. We're the ones filling it up with drivel. Unless (had to delete that three times before typing it right. I'm going mad) we reach a Drivel Event Horizon at some point, meaning we are forced to leave due to excess drivel.

Me want to join

Post 88

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)


Me want to join

Post 89

Researcher 185550

smiley - wah

Don't leave me! I'm all alone and sooo scared! smiley - wah

Me want to join

Post 90

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, alright.
Sorry it took so long, I was reading the Frankie Howerd entry. A744914

Me want to join

Post 91


Hello everybody! I'm back again

Me want to join

Post 92

Zantic - Who is this woman??

*returns with the embrodery kit to ensure EV's skullplate gets attached properly, and wont flap open at inoppertune moments to scare little kids*

Ah...and how are we this morning EV? smiley - winkeye

Me want to join

Post 93

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Strawberry, thank you. Very strawberry indeed. And yourself?

Me want to join

Post 94



Me want to join

Post 95

Zantic - Who is this woman??

I'm kinda Gooseberry myself...nice w/e? smiley - winkeye

Me want to join

Post 96

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It was an acceptable weekend, yes. Don't expect me to enthuse about it though, this is the PUDDING forum.
smiley - erm
D'you know, I think I'm back to normal. Well done!

Me want to join

Post 97

Researcher 185550

Congratulations. None of you are called Igor by any chance? The only people who stand a realistic chance of performing brain surgery have stitches all around their heads, walk with a limp, talk with a lisp, have a hunched back and are called Igor.

Me want to join

Post 98

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah. Well. Didn't you ever wonder what the "E" stood for?

Me want to join

Post 99

Researcher 174318-Zhora- all the nice girls like a sailor

I thought it stood for Evil actually....smiley - laugh
*aside to Zantic - wonderful job - you can't see the join, and he appears to be unaware of what happened. Fabulous!*smiley - wow

Me want to join

Post 100

Researcher 185550

Yeetttthhh marthter *lurches around for a bit* smiley - monster

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