FrontPage Archive - October 2010

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1 October 2010


4 October 2010

A selection of garden tools used to dig a trenchA selection of garden tools used to dig a trenchHow to Dig a Garden Trench - A step-by-step guide for the budding trencher, from the first 'nibble' in the ground to the finished thing

'The Grove Family': The TV Programme - Revisit the 1950s BBC domestic drama that is regarded as being Britain's first soap opera

Frozen Treat Cake: A Cool Activity for Hot Dogs - A great way to entertain your beloved canine and stop them overheating at the same time

QOTW: What one thing are you passing on?

8 October 2010


11 October 2010

A fridge filled with foodA fridge filled with foodReducing Food Waste - Handy hints on how to make the most of the leftovers in your kitchen - saving yourself some money in the process

Touchscreen Smartphones: Android versus Apple - Comparing and contrasting the devices at the vanguard of mobile phone technology

Bollywood Cinema 1980-89 - Delve into a decade of blockbuster movies that saw the Indian film industry's first attempt at sci-fi

QOTW: Increasingly tenuous is ok

18 October 2010

Victoria Coren's hand leafing through an English dictionary.Victoria Coren's hand leafing through an English dictionary.Gismos, Whatsits and Thingummys: A Guide to Vague English - We're delighted to present our 10,000th Edited Guide Entry written by Icy North. Congratulations!

Abraham Zapruder and His Film of the JFK Assassination - Buying an 8mm film camera would totally change Zapruder's life.

Element Number 42: Molybdenum - Relatively scarce, there's 1.2 milligrams per kilogram of Molybdenum in the Earth's crust.

QOTW: If you buy four tickets you're twice as likely to win the lottery as you are to be struck by lightning.

25 October 2010

Blue Peter presenters John Noakes and Peter Purves digging a hole at the side of a road in 1971Blue Peter presenters John Noakes and Peter Purves digging a hole at the side of a road in 1971
Dramatisation of two astronomers plotting the position of a  pyramid in line with the stars in the BBC TV History dramatisation 'Pyramid'Dramatisation of two astronomers plotting the position of a  pyramid in line with the stars in the BBC TV History dramatisation 'Pyramid'
Guerrilla Gardening - An illicit way of transforming urban spaces with plants and flowers that has become a global phenomenon

Harrison Ford: Actor - The life, career and caring side of the movie legend known to the world as Indiana Jones. Just don't call him sexy

The Calendar and Astronomy of Ancient Egypt - Egyptians based their calendars on stars that they thought were the souls of dead pharaohs

QOTW: A lot of money is tainted: 'Taint yours, and 'taint mine.

26 October 2010



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