A Conversation for The Bikers Rest

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Post 641


A chap is never to old to go camping casper! (Besides, I had no idea that m/c riding accompanied by a heavy night with a good band was considered to be camp!) smiley - tongueout

WR is very good at giving back massages if your interested... smiley - bigeyes

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Post 642

Wrinkled Rocker

As long as I have got my inflatable mattress in working condition, I'll never be too old to camp! smiley - winkeye

[Aside: Olifant=Elephant. There has been a lot of new names coming on to the market to try and promote South African wine as a unique entity - some very interesting names!]

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Post 643

casper - shadow rider

A nice cuppa smiley - coffee, a hot shower, and a sit in my comfy chair (with the compulsory mens Sunday afternoon 40 winkssmiley - zzz), and all seems so good.smiley - ok
Campings not so bad, but why does it always pour when I'm in a tent smiley - huh

Anyway, I'm off for a hair of the dog smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin

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Post 644

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

*Hel2 crawls out from under table*

I found it

*Looks around, sees no one and puts false eyelash back on*

knew it was around here somewhere

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Post 645


And there was me thinking it was a big smiley - spider that needed rescuing Hel2! smiley - biggrin I was just about to pick it up and take outside too...

As long as it's only an inflatable mattress WR and not an inflatable plastic pal who's fun to be with... smiley - tongueout

Casper you can have some of my smiley - dog hair if you like, I have three of the wee beasties and have to empty my vacuum cleaner approximately every three days! smiley - winkeye

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Post 646

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hi gweenie

love smiley - spider, got a big one living in the corner of the lounge
keeps the flies away!

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Post 647


I love smiley - spiders too and seldom put them outside, especially during the winter months. It gives me the perfect excuse for leaving cobwebs around the house too... smiley - winkeye

*Locates the smiley - coffee machine and kicks it (gently) into life*

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Post 648

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

is this coffee machine anything like the smiley - magic on in the addicts bar?

or do I have to be nice to it?

smiley - biggrin

newbie free for all

Post 649


I think perhaps it's time the milk shake machine had an overhaul.

*starts rummaging in cupboards*

Now where did I put the spanner and WD42?

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Post 650

Ralph, the Janitor - Keeper of Magic Tricks that don't work (and some that do!)

Somehow, WD42-flavored milkshakes don't sound too tempting!smiley - silly

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Post 651

casper - shadow rider

smiley - drunk don't knock hic it till you've tried it, hic. smiley - ill

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Post 652

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate


give me strawberry any day

*picks up rag to wipe down machine*

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Post 653


*Comes in from lazing in the sun on his bike outside. Puts his
t-shirt back on.*

Mornin' all.

Ill give you a hand with that Caerwynn...

*Starts dismantling the nossles and rinsing them under the tap...*

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Post 654

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

showing of youe chest again Bob?
careful, it'll burn smiley - laugh

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Post 655


I've never burnt in my life, Im half-chinese. However, whats wierd is that it's my mediterranean skinned mother who never burns, and my Chinese father who does... Wierd.

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Post 656

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

does this mean your chest is hairless
smiley - grovel tell me it is
smiley - drool

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Post 657


Thank you, Bob, you are lovely. I hope we can remember how it all goes back together again!

*a whiff of Milton wafts around the café*

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Post 658

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

What's that funny smell

*sniff sniff*

newbie free for all

Post 659


Well, its not hairless, but its not very hairy at all... smiley - winkeye

Thats ok Caerwynn, the place I used to work I used to have to take the coffee machine apart for cleaning all the time. This cant be that different...

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Post 660

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

At least on person knows what they're doing around here
smiley - laugh

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