A Conversation for Waitresses

No Subject

Post 1

Zaphod II

Hi there Deidzoeb smiley - ok - pleased to meet you at last. Unearthed a piece by Azimuth (U48730) on A221202 "How to Annoy People". He sounds a regular Dennis the Menace. Also have any compatriots checked out "Previous Collaborative" entries on A370216 (editor dep. ed) or are these untouchable? My attention was drawn to the rather witty contribution "What to buy a Person who has Everything".
Zaphod OED smiley - cdouble
PS How use Agg/Gag log in?

Some "tickety-boo" suggestions

Post 2

Zaphod II

So busy with message, forgot to supply subject heading.

Previous Collab entries

Post 3


I imagine the Previous Collaborative entries would be fair game for us to use, as long as the entry didn't appear to be headed for the Edited Guide any time soon. It's pretty much a concensus that we shouldn't be ashamed if an article we had selected for AGG/GAG was later polished and slipped into the Edited Guide. But if we can avoid overlapping the territory of the Edited Guide, that would be better.

Any other Popeye chucklers reading this? Did I sum it up correctly? If Flea Market is sometimes fair game, then I would think those previous collaborative entries would be okay for AGG/GAG.

Previous Collab entries

Post 4


Oops, nope, I messed up. I didn't realize that all those previous collab entries were in the Edited Guide. The purpose of AGG/GAG is to spotlight entries that would not be allowed in the Edited Guide, since there is already plenty of publicity for the entries that make it into the Edited Guide.

So those might be very good entries, but not quite right for AGG/GAG.

If it's any consolation, I updated the nominations page to show your other suggestion (How to annoy people). Keep 'em coming! Tonsil revenge just nominated a half dozen in the last few days, and I feel delinquent for not finding other good ones.

No Subject

Post 5


To use the AGG/GAG logon, simply send an email to jwf or me or one of the other AGG/GAGgers, and we'll let you know the password. (Click on my name and you can find my email address on my user space.)

No Subject

Post 6

Zaphod II

Thanks D smiley - cheers(how prefer to be called?). Will e-mail for logon shortly. Collab pieces out of bounds, received and understood.
Zaphod OED smiley - cdouble

Sno ubject

Post 7


Call me anything but late for dinner! jwf still calls me =X because I had that at the start of my nickname for a while. I haven't corrected him, so it must not bother me that much. "Deidzoeb" is fine (pronounced "dayjob"). Some people call me "Subcom."

Say, is "Tickety-boo" a common expression in the UK? The only place I've heard it was in the tv show "Red Dwarf." I'm in Michigan, USA, about an hour outside of Detroit.

Sno ubject

Post 8

Zaphod II

Hi Deidzoeb

"Tickety-boo" is an old catchphrase of the scottish comedian Billy Connolly, now residing in the States. You'll see it if you ever visit his official website. However, it has a longer history. Michigan seems a long way (simon and garfunkel?) from Devon, England (time: 23:14). You must be late afternoon?

Sno ubject

Post 9


Yes, I'm at 6:46 Eastern time, so 5 hours earlier than GMT?

I'm racking my brain to remember which Simon & Garfunkle song might mention Michigan. I should know this. Maybe if I had my suitcase and guitar in hand, it would help me remember. *wink wink*

Sno ubject

Post 10

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Just adding this to my conver list.

Sno ubject

Post 11

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

By the way, "Somebody's Mother" is as ready as it is ever gonna get, unless Jwf or the rest of you has something to say.

I thought I put an intro bit in the post about India House...

Something about a surprise hidden in the story...

Sno ubject

Post 12

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Gee, guys, smiley - blush just noticed the new banners on your names!
I was feeling so alone there for a while!

Sno ubject

Post 13

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - musicalnote
You'll Never Walk Alone
as you've
Gone Off To Look For Am-e-e-r-ica
Saganaugh, Michigan.
smiley - musicalnote
Woo-hoo a little Simon/Garf magical musical tour!
Thanks guys. That perked me right up.

M'dear Deidzoeb,
I had already taken the =X bit out of your name everywhere I could and have been calling you Deidzoeb, even tho it's six characters longer than =X, ...because, I assume Subcom is a title like M'msab, M'sewer, Herr, Mister, Captain, Lt-Col., Grupenfurher or Herder and that Deidzoeb is your 'name'. It's actually a nice letter combo to type now I'm getting the hang of 'er; it's sorta 'once-around-the-keyboard' and ends up at the bottom center like a 'b' settling on a flower.
jwf (I Am A Rock)

Sno ubject

Post 14

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Hello, Peter!

Sno ubject

Post 15

Zaphod II

Drat! What a crying smiley - wah shame I'm smiley - sleepy folowed by smiley - zzz when you're all bushy tailed and intercoursing.
smiley - musicalnoteWinnepeg seems so near to me n-o-wwwwwww smiley - musicalnote
So I had another of Mrs Biggins's cakes,
And this is what she ze-e-e-ed. . . . . . .
PS There must be a song with Michigan in the title? smiley - erm
Zaphod (I am an Island)

Sno ubject

Post 16

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

(i am a tonsil)

I thought Michigan State had a flight song:

How ya gonna keep em down in the state
after they've seen a map?
Mentally, we had their feet stapled down
and ready to stick around,
but someone bought a new atlas
and suddenly they're footloose,
How ya gonna keep em down in the state
after they've seen a map?

Sno ubject

Post 17


Sorry, jwf. Thanks for adjusting things. There was another guy who used :X as his username for a while (who has since gone back to "The High Duke of Mars"), so I didn't want people to confuse him with me, but I also wanted to leave that symbol in my nickname line somewhere.

I thought my parents' 8-track of Simon & Garf had given me an adequate grounding in their major works, as well as the Paul Simon songbook I have, but somehow that one got past me.

Since we're revealing our ages here a little bit, I'm curious how old everyone here is, if you don't mind admitting it. I'll be 30 in October. Spiff seems to talk as if he's older, but sometimes seems hip to the lingo of young peoples.

Sno ubject

Post 18


I don't know much about Michigan State. Know a little more about University of Michigan since I grew up nearby, and my dad worked there for several years, until he died arc-welding in a steam tunnel under the U of M campus. [Long story, maybe worth writing down someday.]

But Eastern Michigan University is my alma mater. I have no idea what the fight song is, but I know that they say the Ypsilanti water tower will explode if a virgin ever graduates from EMU. (I also know it's not true!)

S'no object

Post 19

Zaphod II

Sorry to not get back sooner deidzoeb. I've been putting the finishing touches to my entry on Crop Circles smiley - magic. Perhaps you care to cast a critical eye over it on A695784 before it gets dispatched to PR. Wonder if I'll need my tin helmet. There's alot of them there rationalists about who'll want to get their scientific tuppenny worth in.
Wanted to let you know the mail arrived safely, though haven't tried getting into the executive suite yet. When it comes to ages - what can I say other than I'm in my 40s (thus, if you ever visit my homepage the clues are there). You also know my real ID. I must say at times I get curious about the identity of other researchers I've encountered, not to mention the images conjured up on the flimsiest of information. It's interesting to catch yer thoughts in the process of labelling, stereotyping, and relating generally, without the benefit of face-to-face contact. And as for projecting one's virtual identity with smileys . . well, you could write a book. Quite complex all this fantasy stuff, ain't it?
When does page 17 get going? It all seems eerily quiet on the western front - have folks taken time off?
I need a break myself I reckon. Speak soon.
Zaphod smiley - peacesign

S'no object

Post 20

Zaphod II

Forgot to ask you. Can anyone help me install one of those nice drop down boxes as I need to tidy up some links on my home page - now that I'm scouting for Agg/Gag I thought it might be a perk.
Thanks guys.
Zaphod OED

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