A Conversation for UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs,CT, USA)

Peer Review: A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 1


Entry: UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs) - A708158
Author: SemiDtachd - U190982

I welcome comments and criticisms on this entry. Well, mostly positive ones, if possible. It is my first entry as a researcher. Don't break my fragile heart by trashing it.

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 2

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

good entry for the most part.smiley - ok like the list of dormssmiley - laugh. however you should probably take out the first person in the 'athletics' and 'conclusion' paragraphs. some subheaders would maybe make it look a little better, but GuideML isn't mandatory. very nice overall.

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 3


Consider the removal of the first person portions done. As for the subheaders...thats another story. I intend to learn some GuideML, but I haven't had the opportunity yet. Aside from that, thank you for the generally positive comment smiley - smiley

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 4

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

smiley - ok

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 5


After taking a two-hour "power course" in GuideML, I've managed to make the entry look a good deal better, according to your specifications. Also, since learning GuideML put me into a fit of editing, I made a few other alterations and added a section on Dining Hall food. Hopefully my GuideML works alright. Any additional tidying up or feedback you may have for me would be greatly appreciated. smiley - smiley

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 6

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I'll be your sub-editor for the evening. The new version of the entry is at A718571.

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron
After all, all he did was string together a lot of old, well-known quotations. -- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 7

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

congratulationssmiley - bubbly, SemiDtachd, you'll be glad to know that we think your entry is great, and, it has been picked for inclusion in the Edited Guide. when it does get into the Edited Guide, you'll get an email to let you know, but in the meantime please keep in mind that it can take awhile for entries to get through the Sub-editing process. Subeditors and <./>Subeditors-What</.> may help to explain. thanks for writing for the Guide!smiley - biggrin

i would've been here earlier only i haven't been online in 2 days and had no idea....smiley - doh

and *still* have no idea about the other two, but i'm sure(*ahem*) that'll get sorted out.(thanks, Two Bit)

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 8

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

Is it only one farm, or mulitple farms in the town?

I'm very nearly done. I'm going to link in some stuff from the rest of the GUide, and that's it.

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 9


There are several farms, but the whole area where the school is built used to be farmland. The original name of the University was Connecticut Agricultural College, or something to that effect. Anyway, it may be easier just to say it is "located in a small town consisting of little other than farmland." The only reason I had said "a large farm" originally was because I had already used medium and small in the sentence, and thought it would be funny to also use large smiley - smiley

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 10

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

What does RA stand for? I think I need a footnote for that.

Everything else is done.

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 11


RA stands for Resident Assitant. RAs are students who live on the floor and are in charge of several things. They provide discipline for minor offenses such as violation of quiet hours. They perform fire safety inspections, and also plan programs for the floor. Basically, they serve as an immediate authority on each floor, and an intermediary between the students and the hall director. Hope that helps smiley - smiley

A708158 - UCONN (The University of Connecticut at Storrs)

Post 12

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I sent it to the editors.

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