A Conversation for Surviving Problems with H2G2

Peer Review: A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 1


Entry: Surviving Problems with H2G2 - A698934
Author: Spook - U183955

Entry: A698934 - 'Surviving Problems with H2G2'
Author: U183955 - Spook

There may be a couple of things I need to check, but other then that, I think this entry is finished. What does everybody else think?

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Clearly structured advice smiley - smiley

My niggles:

1. you don't need to quote that awful text in full. People will realise it when 'it' happens again.

2. 'Be prepared': It's a good idea to always have some entries (or threads) copied to your hard disk for off-line reading. You can prepare your comments and post them once the site is up again.

3. 'Server Problems': strike out #10 (or mark it as 'not recommended'). Never would I, unless it were for research! smiley - winkeye

4. 'The Conversation Problem': Another way is to
- open *another* browser window
- load the conversation from there
- see your posting having made its way into the database (or not)

5. Small concern: This would perhaps better be suited as a h2g2 help page. But then, A676965 'Footnotes on h2g2' made it into the Guide too.

smiley - cheers

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - grr Guess what happened a minute after the last posting!

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 4


I tried posting a message earlier, but got a proxy error. I'm gonna add something about that to the entry later.

Since I can't remember what I put, and haven't got access to the copy I made, I'll post it later.

Thanks for the Comments.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 5


I've added more to the be prepared section, have added stuff about Proxy Error, Have mad my list of things to do longer so there are 42 things.

I am gonna leave all that quoted text in, as it is important for New Users that if this happens to them they know they haven't been erased totally, and don't leave H2G2 because of it. If they know what to expect and it happens, they are more likely to stay on H2G2.

Thanks again for the comments - The more comments you give, the better the article is, and it also gives me something to do.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 6

Dancer (put your advert here)

Well done, I must say smiley - ok.

smiley - hsif

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 7


Under the Proxy error section I've added a bit about "Gateway Timeout" you might like to read.

Thanks for liking my entry!smiley - smiley

spooksmiley - aliensmile

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 8

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I haven't read all the entry, however I would be hesitant to start with 'Recently the database has been crashing a lot'. An Edited Entry is meant to last a long time, so this bit will need rewording. Maybe something like 'There have been times when...'. Then in the future, when these crashed are a dimly remembered event, we can look back and smile. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 9


Changed, thanks.

Tell me if you don't know, but as one of the server problems things to do I have put:

Have a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster (not recommended unless you are a 2 tonne elephant)

I am trying to get the phrase from the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy television series where it says this. I know it says the elephant weighs 30 tonnes, but it says something about it having bronchitus or something afterwards. Please tell me the phrase if you know it, or tell me if you don't please, so I know whther to re-watch the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on DVD to find it.

Thanks for the comments!smiley - smiley

spooksmiley - aliensmile

A698934 - Surviving Problems with H2G2

Post 10


very weird that this peer review thread didn't get a message saying this was accepted into the edited guide, as it was accepted, sub-edited, put in line then when it was going to go on to the front page i was told that it wasn't gonna be accepted as they thought they'd sorted all the problems out. that was a long time ago, however, i think that if this isn't gonna be an edited entry, it should be a help page, as it is giving peope guidance for when there are problems. i was pretty angry for a while that it was denied from being edited at the last moment because they thought they'd sorted the problems, however, i still get proxy errors now and again, and this entry deals with that and a number of other problems people do still experience now. so, what should i so with this entry? any ideas?


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