A Conversation for The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Peer Review: A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 1


Entry: The cup is half full - Good or bad? - A688872
Author: Antares - U159240

Just a thought I had... Any comments/sugestions?

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 2


Could be be worsesmiley - choc 1/2 full ofsmiley - choc We likeChocolate Ask Dragonflysmiley - fullmoon

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 3

a girl called Ben

Well, my answer has always been ' there's room for another in there! '

I love half empty glasses - enough inside you to feel mellow, and enough inside the glass to promise more good talk and good company for a while yet.


A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 4

Evil Zombie Strider

This entry is a little unorthodox. Suffice it to say, therefore I like it. smiley - winkeye

However, according to the Writing-Guidelines, you ought to include both sides of the argument. So, as opposed to concluding by saying "see? having a half-empty glass is better!" you might want to have both sides of the argument, and let the reader decide for his/her self.

Great stuff, though! smiley - ok

smiley - footprints

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 5


Well the're is lesssmiley - ale to spill! As long as there more in the frigde then no worries.
Endless possibilities for discussion though. 2 thumbs up
The Kid smiley - fullmoon

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 6


Well, I tried. I must say, I find it hard to find positive sides on half filled glasses, but at least I tried to give the reader a hint to make up his or her own mind about the subject smiley - winkeye


A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 7

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I love it! A brilliant new way to look at things.

Unfortunately, this doesn't really seem like one for the Edited Guide. It's we'll written and insightful, but more of a commentary then an informative Entry, which is more the style of the Edited Guide. I might move this over to the Alternative Writing Workshop, if you want to refine it, and then perhaps send it over to the Post Office. Sounds like something they'd love.

-Spike A.

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 8


what is this post office you talk about spike A?

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 9

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

The Post Office is where <./>ThePost</.> is put together. You can find it here: U54963

-Spike A.

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Did you send it to the Post Office? I would agree that it would be a good home for this article.

A thought I had on the contents was that some people, when the glass gets to half 'empty' start to think automatically to the next full glass and therefore don't enjoy what they have. This type of person (or you could say 'type of thinking') is not living in the present, but in the future and does not enjoy what s/he has, ie they are not fully 'present' in the moment.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 11

Martin Harper

Clearly it would find a good home in Writing-Alternative and the post, but I reckon this could be sneaked in the Edited Guide without radical changes.

My own perspective would be 'What am I doing drinking beer? Who stole my Baileys!?' smiley - winkeye

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 12

Martin Harper

Upon re-reading, I still think this is a worthy entry for the EG. The author's mentioned the standard/proverbial view, and the alternative view. For perfect balance, I guess an extra paragraph could be added along the lines of:

> "The standard view is that someone who sees such a glass as half-full is optimistic, because sie is focusing on the half of the glass that contains amber nectar, whereas someone who sees such a glass as half-empty is pessimistic, because sie is focusing on the half of the glass that contains worthless air. In this way, optimistic people see only the positive aspects of the situation, and pessimistic people see only the negative aspects. But is it really that simple?"

Incidentally, it's 'imply', not 'implie' in the singular. (implies is the correct plural, though)


A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 13

Witty Ditty

*in GR mode*

Absentee author - but other distinguished peers like the subject - a move to the FM for others to carry on where Antares left off?

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 14

Martin Harper

I completely disagree: this entry is perfectly fine, and it didn't need to be removed from Peer Review. It should have been picked instead.

I'm all in favour of removing poor entries - but I think some people have gone to the opposite extreme. Not a good thing. smiley - sadface


A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 15

Evil Zombie Strider

Not to pick an argument, but see post 4. I think it's still relevant.

smiley - footprints

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 16

Post Team

No reason why this shouldn't go further at all... especially if Lucy is taking it on.

<./>ThePost</.> thinks it is great and has also taken a copy to be used in a future edition. (Thanks Bossel!)

shazz smiley - magic

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 17

Martin Harper

Indeed, see A795648 - "The glass is half full" - Good or bad?

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 18

Evil Zombie Strider

Sorry. My mistake.

smiley - footprints

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 19

Martin Harper

*shrug* we disagree - it happens

A688872 - The cup is half full - Good or bad?

Post 20

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - ok

smiley - footprints

Key: Complain about this post