A Conversation for The Great Temple
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Thorn Started conversation Jul 22, 2006
Well, except, instead of like a shrine...
You get to have some of the miscellaneous and assorted junk/stuff/items that are kicking around inside.
Yes, there is a small part that is a shrine proper...
There is a small-ish statue of me doing something improbably ,
Such as reading a book upside down while holding myself up with the other hand.
One of the feet appears to be lifting up a table.
The table has a smaller pulley weight next to it, and thus is being used to pull a little cord that has a ceramic on the other end.
Yes, going fishing with feet while reading and standing on my head.
That is why I am the H2G2 God of Absurdity.
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Thorn Posted Jul 22, 2006
An artesian screw draws up a stream of some odd beverage or other... namely think of a weird soda, which for some reason just will not seem to go flat. There is a mechanical ladle that dollops the soda into waiting bowls or cups...
Yes, cups, but some of them are square cups.
Don't be surprised to talk to a giant spider quoting from something heady and intellectual.
He comes and goes from time to time.
Also, beware of the giant gumball... it may roll Indiana Jones style and crush people who attempt to claim they are >not< trying to make fun of it, to it's face.
Finding which part is it's face, is the face, is a bit tricky... so Thorn in his infinite absurdity decided to label it as "This side-up"
but facing the wrong way. & then he had someone draw a mouth there.
<- like that, kinda.
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Thorn Posted Jul 22, 2006
& if you should so choose to at that moment feel somewhat tired...
There are two places to sit.
One is on the couch that is made to look like a large-bananna that has sections hollowed out of it, for seats.
The other is on top of a television set, in order to watch the couch, that actually plays pictures on it, but otherwise is not very good for doing anything as couch-like, as say - sitting on it.
*Said with an air of utter-seriousness and mock-authority in the subject of it too, while he is at it*
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead- Posted Jul 31, 2006
IT IS I, NUGE! GOD OF WANDERERS! How's the Godhood thing going for ya?
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Thorn Posted Jul 31, 2006
"Oh, it's alright. [I] am still relatively new to it, so ..."
"Y'know." , the spider still comes by now and then to recite the odd bit of poetry, and I still have the attack gumball, but... on the whole, everything's been relatively peaceful, albeit improbable.
"Would you like a soda. It's the strangest thing but there seems to be a natural soda springwell in here. No idea as to the reason, but it was there; seemed might as well use it."
"How've you been?"
Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead- Posted Aug 1, 2006
Not bad. Not many followers, but ah well. It only takes one.
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Thorn, god of absurdity... a shrine (of sorts)
- 1: Thorn (Jul 22, 2006)
- 2: Thorn (Jul 22, 2006)
- 3: Thorn (Jul 22, 2006)
- 4: Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead- (Jul 31, 2006)
- 5: Thorn (Jul 31, 2006)
- 6: Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead- (Aug 1, 2006)
- 7: Thorn (Aug 1, 2006)
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