A Conversation for The Great Temple

Mystrunner's Shrine

Post 1

Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity

The walls resound with a roaring silence, like a curtain of water that is hard to push aside. The dim light plays tricks with the eyes, making it seem that dark cloaked figures are watching. The vaulted ceiling stretches up, disappearing into the darkness.

Dark blue flames burn in brasiers in front of the black granite pillars that the shrine uses as supports, casting wavering shadows. No alter is to be found, though, if sought out, a table laden with drinks can be.

The only light is in the very center of the shrine, where the four great halls merge. Four great window let light in in vibrant bars, illuminating a long, silver sword hanging in the air, under a marble compass rose. The light makes the shadows seem alive.

Mystrunner's Shrine

Post 2

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost In walks the Knight of the Living Dead, to drop off a set of black candles and the customary jam, the Food of the Gods.

Mystrunner's Shrine

Post 3

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

oops. read smiley - strawberry

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