The Advent Quiz

28 Conversations

Merry Christmas!

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Fancy yourself as the next Mike Oldfield? What would the BBC suggest you to do then?

What should you do if you forget your BBC/h2g2 password?

When did Richard I reign as Duke of Normandy? And Richard II?

What will s have if they are good?

Which songs are quoted in the new Edited Entry about The Police?

Why is there anything rather than nothing?

What is the correct Danish translation of the title "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?

Who are Sodit, Doobry, Nelson, Wellington and Nice Guy Eddie?

Late, but short question:
Who was Skadi (Skade)?

Which researcher has U-number 42?

Merry Christmas!

Name as many people as possible, born on 29 February and mentioned for that in the Guide.

Where can you find The Chamber of Cats?

Where in the world can you find Wawel Castle? What's the main market place in the town called?

What are the most annoying kinds of advertising to be found in magazines according to Jim Lynn?

In which department do you find room 7.2.17 at the University of Copenhagen?

What is Port Ellen and Springbank?

Which important thing happened at h2g2 on the 7th of June, 2000?

How many different herbs, spices and flowers are used to make Gammel Dansk? Which ones are mentioned in the Entry?

Do you know Bubblish? What does .oooo. .ooOOO. .OOo. .ooOOO. mean?

How many eggs can Rana temporaria lay?

Who was Harold Davison? When did he die? And how?

What is a bok? Most definitions mentioned in the Guide, and you get the

Which ingredients are needed to make glögg after the recipe in the Guide?

When did I - Ottox - register with the Guide?

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

The Advent Quiz

Each day will bring a new question at the Advent Calendar.

The answer to the question can be found somewhere in the Guide.
After the question has been posted, I'll start a new thread for answers.

First one to answer the question correctly gets a Christmassmiley - gift.

The next day I'll add a link to the Entry with the answer, and then show a new question.

Notice that as we get closer to Christmas, it gets harder to find the right question of the day at the calendar. smiley - winkeye

Good luck! smiley - santa

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Lighthousegirl UK   smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift
Titania   smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift
Tacsatduck   smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift
dAzEd   smiley - giftsmiley - gift
Cafram   smiley - giftsmiley - gift
Bagpuss   smiley - giftsmiley - gift
Trillian's Child   smiley - giftsmiley - gift
{CK}Psycho Monkey dragged through a Vortex backwards   smiley - gift
GreyDesk   smiley - gift
Bossel   smiley - gift

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Thank you, all who has been playing! Here's smiley - gifts for those who hasn't already got one! smiley - biggrin

SMoB   smiley - gift   Clelba   smiley - gift   Old Uncle Zarniwoop   smiley - gift   loosehead   smiley - gift
FABT   smiley - gift   Granny Weatherwax   smiley - gift   broelan   smiley - gift

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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