A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Doctor Who

Post 4261

Bright Blue Shorts

- "There aren't any old control rooms, they were all deleted or remodelled"
- "I put them in archive. I've got about 30 now"
- "I've only changed the desktop about 12 times. You can't archive something that hasn't happened"
- "you can't"

I think that part of the story is a pointer how he's going to get past the regenerations limit storyarc.

Doctor Who

Post 4262

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

The password bit was amazing. Exactly the kind of thing I love about Gaiman's imagination.

Doctor Who

Post 4263


I had been a bit nervous as I'd really looked forward to Neil Gaiman's Babylon 5 episode and had been disappointed by that, but this was top form for him.

Kept thinking of the Mona Lisa whenever the TARDIS talked, though.


Doctor Who

Post 4264

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I seem to be in the minority then. I thought it was a bit 'meh' precisely because, for me, it didn't live up to all the hype surrounding the writer. I don't hate it, but I think I was expecting it to be a bit more, somehow. I'll watch it again but I normally do that anyway during the weekend. I wasn't even inclined to consider it as part of my Sunday viewing schedule, which shows how disappointed I was with it. Now, here we are on Monday night and I still can't muster the enthusiasm.

I can see that some of you are getting quite into this episode, but it just seems like a mediocre story to me. Oh well, each to his own. smiley - tardis

Doctor Who

Post 4265


I had no expectations as I'm not particularly familiar with Neil Gaiman's work.

I quite enjoyed the episode. I loved the interaction between the doctor and the tardis, and I found Rory & Amy running around getting their heads messed with quite gripping. But I also found it a bit slow in places.

But as usual I'll absorb everyone else's comments then give it a rewatch.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Doctor Who

Post 4266


I'm not familiar with Gaiman either, apart from the film of Stardust. I don't know how similar it is to the book. I have been meaning to read his books for some time though.

I liked the episode, though it wasn't quite as good as I thought it might be and it wasn't as good as the opening two episodes. I loved the idea of the Tardis personified and I thought that was very touching. Suranne Jones did a great job, though I too thought she had basically just copied the Helena Bonham-Carter playbook.

Doctor Who

Post 4267


She didn;t exactly copy Bonham-Carter - her look was Bonham-Carterish and, for me, she nailed the TARDIS's persona...bit posh bit distant...which is a bit like Bonham-Carter...A bit of a nice coincidence really but a bit unfair to merely say she copied Bonham-Carter...I actually think if B-C had done it she would have been a bit too OTT...the actress in Dr Who was a bit crazy but not over the top.

Doctor Who

Post 4268


Oh...the episode...wonderful concept...Gaimen certainly understands the relationship between the Dr and the TARDIS and the little things showing where the power lies was lovely too...an emotional ending too done very nicely...and some great lines in it too.

Also, can;t they at least stop employing Welsh people all the time...I mean...Micheal bloody Sheen...another Welshy...smiley - tongueincheek before anyone yikes this for 'racism' - I think Sheen is superb. It was great to have him in the show even if his voice was modulated to the point of being pretty much unrecognisable...although his voice acting is so good half the time you don;t know it's him anyway!

Doctor Who

Post 4269

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Yeah, I totally failed to recognize Michael Sheen. As usual though, he was very good.

Doctor Who

Post 4270

Taff Agent of kaos

amy and rory were in the control room, they woke in the flesh room, there were 2 sets of gangers, the doctor is the only real one, all the rest, both sides are gangers

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4271


A spare Doctor, how convenient!

Doctor Who

Post 4272

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

It could be. I find it interesting that this was a 2-parter, which I'd forgotten until the credits rolled mid-plot. I did think part-way through, "They could keep this runnign round the castle going for two hours easily," although it was movie length I had in mind rather than double episode.

Doctor Who

Post 4273



Yes, 'how convenient!'...so what? That's how it goes...however remember...there are 7 episodes left after next weeks...when I believe the show goes on hiatus for a bit...and let's see whether this is just a curve ball to get your type of reaction.

'how convenient'...such a simple phrase and yet most stories have 'how convenient' moments in them...personally the story holds together...I will not be unhappy if this is the solution to the arc even tho we are less than half way through the season...the again who knows it may not be the case.

It's a 13 episode season one presume the death of the Dr arc will be resolved this season...maybe not...the silence has gone across two seasons, River has gone across 2 season as well and Moffat has said this season is River's season. I have no problem if it's the solution...it's a story...it's 'luck' that the TARDIS took them to that place...or is it since the TARDIS takes the Dr to where he is needed...

What is your solution to the problem of a dead Dr?

Doctor Who

Post 4274

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Thanks Taff, I don't need to watch the episode now. smiley - grrsmiley - cross

Doctor Who

Post 4275

Taff Agent of kaos

thats just my opinion

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4276

Bright Blue Shorts

Shades of Frankenstein last week ... Blade Runner this week ...

Doctor Who

Post 4277


Mr. D

Yes you do since Taff is incorrect.

Doctor Who

Post 4278


Now *that* was a good ep.

How do they always manage to make the 2-parters best? Do they decide it's going to be a 2-parter and then put the effort in to make it twice as good, or do they come up with plot ideas and pick the best ones?

Gif smiley - geek
(PS: yes, alright, Daleks in Manhattan is the exception...)

Doctor Who

Post 4279

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I dunno, it seemed pretty mediocre to me. Not bad at all, I hasten to add, but I couldn't see much to raise it above the usual Who standard.
p.s. One throwaway line I liked: "Cars don't fly themselves..." smiley - laugh

Doctor Who

Post 4280


Might be alone in this (or it might be because I was getting royally p****d with my best mate) but that failed to thrill me. First time I've said that all series. It just seemed such a cheap and easy cliche, clones. It reminded me a lot of NuWho's S2 opener which, although decent opener, wasn't as good as what I expect from Moffat these days.

I just hope next weeks is better so I'm actually excited about the autumn tranche of episodes. Actually, who am I kidding? I'll still be excited, I just want a good mid-season cliff-hanger to keep me cursing the days between eps 6 and 7.

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