A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Doctor Who

Post 4221

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well I think that is probably an episode that is going to divide people but I thought it was ace.

And the hatch woman, who is she? Really isn't going to help with the OTT speculations now is it?


Doctor Who

Post 4222


That was just what the Doctor ordered: great for the kids and a load of set-up stuff for the adults.

So we know the eyepatch woman is important, given her second appearance, and the little looks between Rory and Amy when the Doctor referred to his death. The continuing ambiguity over Amy's potential pregnancy though I think the Doctor confirmed she was pregnant at the end and Eyepatch Woman's dialogue suggested midwife to me. I also don't think it's a coincidence they're bringing up Rory's background as a nurse.

The pirate ship was great and Amy really can swash a buckle, she was delightful. The Doctor not knowing all the answers and having to continually reassess things was really cool: he's suddenly looking very vulnerable.

They have to stop killing Rory though and I'd like an episode I don't have to watch through my fingers please. Is it just me being a wuss or has Moffat really ramped up the fear factor this series?

Doctor Who

Post 4223

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Right what happened to the Pirate that the kid cut with the scimitar in the powder room? He didn't run away but was gone (with no mention of why from Amy, Rory or the Kid) when the Doc and the Captain got back.



Doctor Who

Post 4224

Taff Agent of kaos

Right what happened to the Pirate that the kid cut with the scimitar in the powder room?

contiuity error

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4225

Bright Blue Shorts

I wondered if the mirrors/reflection from the parallel ship are relevant. Might explain why the astronaut rises from the lake to shoot the Doctor ...

Doctor Who

Post 4226

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Just been chatting about it on twitter. The Pirate in question was in the last scene when the pirates are in the space ship cockpit.

Probably suggests an error more than a deliberate plot device but with Moffat you never know eh?


Doctor Who

Post 4227

Bright Blue Shorts

He does indeed disappear without explanation. We see him rebarricading the powder room and then when The Doctor & Captain return he has disappeared. My guess is that his demise got edited out.

In terms of plots ... seems a rather unexplained hole that the siren has been seen by ships before so wouldn't it have rescued previous sailors/pirates to its sickbay? Probably explained by the spaceship being trapped in the same time&space in which case how have others seen the siren!?

Doctor Who

Post 4228


A fun light-hearted episode after the past two serious ones...people on DigitalSpy saying it was CBBC stuff...some people just can;t be happy can they? It followed the normal Dr Who plot...people in peril..|Dr turns up...Dr in peril...Dr solves problem...survivors carry on...Dr goes off to next adventure. A darn sham Star Trek Voyager didn;t have her as the automated Dr...even hough Robert Picardo was the best thing about Voyager the Dr Who Dr was sweet...

Doctor Who

Post 4229

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"So we know the eyepatch woman is important, given her second appearance"

smiley - huh Must've missed that.

Doctor Who

Post 4230


When they're just waiting out the calm below deck, Amy suddenly wakes up hearing her voice then sees her on the wall, then the hatch closes and disappears.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Doctor Who

Post 4231

Taff Agent of kaos

wasn't that just a re hash of the lodger???

stranded ship...automated system....tardis affected

better out come, nobody died!!!

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4232


btw, has anyone got these 'revisited' DVD box sets? What's the difference between them and the same stories on DVD I've already forked out for?

Gif smiley - geek

Doctor Who

Post 4233

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Imo not a great episode, although the explanation was neat enough. I saw several problems with the whole climax bit with Rory. Firstly, CPR is a massively overused device in fiction, and as usual it's misrepresented. Rory should have at least some broken ribs if Amy was doing it right. Secondly, why the rush? Couldn't they have stayed around for a while and worked out a better solution at their leisure, with all the resources of a fully stocked Tardis at their disposal? They could even have gone to get help from a real doctor and any equipment he needs.
Also, going back to previous discussions, the idea that people who die are erased from history just does not stand up. Even if people who are recorded in history books stay, every time the Doctor goes backward from our present day, he would find a mainly unpopulated world, containing only a few historical figures trying to make it without the society to provide for them.
The Time Lords were a special case, because of the way the Time War ended. In fact, indications are that The Doctor goes back to people he's visited before quite regularly. The only reasons he doesn't more often are potential time paradoxes. It's not that he can't (in most cases), just that he knows he shouldn't.

Doctor Who

Post 4234

Taff Agent of kaos

""the idea that people who die are erased from history just does not stand up. Even if people who are recorded in history books stay, every time the Doctor goes backward from our present day, he would find a mainly unpopulated world, containing only a few historical figures trying to make it without the society to provide for them.""

but the doctor does not travel to the past, he travels to peoples 'now' the place they are supposed to be, thats why the people are all there, it's the things and people who should not be there that get erradicated from the time line and every thing goes back to normal, once a problem is solved its removed from time, or closed off from the doctor, so there is very little chance of paradox

we only see a small portion of what the doctor does in the shows, he, in his various forms is bouncing around time all over the place and vary rearly runs into himself, infact the time lords had to breach the great barrier for him to assist himself,

now when that happend, his latest self should have remembered it severaltimes over, as his former selves were there and he should have known the solution, yet he didn't

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4235

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I've decided, if he can do a story arc which explains why Susan said in the very first Doctor Who episode that SHE made up the name TARDIS from Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, explain how she becomes his grandaughter and was involved in the creation of the very first TARDIS in such a way that it fits perfectly with the current River/Amy plot lines and doesn't contradict the previously stated 'type 40' TARDIS history, I will truly acknowledge that Steven Moffat is the God of story arcs.smiley - tardissmiley - zen

Doctor Who

Post 4236

Taff Agent of kaos

Dr. river sung (data's grand ma) might yet turn out to be susan after several regenerations and an encounter with a galifraian pocket watchsmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4237


Wouldn't that make her snogging the face off the Doctor incest?

Doctor Who

Post 4238

Taff Agent of kaos

it's the only story line we haven't had in Dr. Who!!!!!!!

remember Capt. Jacksmiley - winkeyesmiley - kiss

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4239

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

No, she said he would hate her when he found out who she was. She must be turning into Mel. Just look at the similarity in hairstyle!smiley - run

Doctor Who

Post 4240

Taff Agent of kaos

""he would hate her when he found out who she was""

tom baker in drag???????smiley - diva

smiley - bat

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