A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

This thread has been closed

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 121


i thought they did have it...smiley - huh sorry, i haven't been in Goo for a while. Brunel all the way!!!

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 122


But brunel is horrible! Go Goo!

smiley - panda

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 123

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh no not again!

I feel deja 'skin" vu coming up!

everybody can choose their own likable skin!
be glad you live in place where you have freedom to choose!

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 124


Well Jim, you've made a right mess of the God thread in Goo! See http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F55607?thread=192835&latest=1 alji

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 125

Mu Beta

Yes. The 'what's just happened' thread is the same.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 126


MasterB, change your prefs to frames and it will show the thread but the Side frame is duff!

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 127

Jim Lynn

Use brunel and it will work. My change has been overwritten by an update today that nobody told me about. I'll fix it shortly.

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 128

You can call me TC

Why do these threads always turn into the neverending "My skin's the best" fights? I'm always tempted to join in, mind you. I stick to goo because it was always there. I'm here for the conversations, the wit and the infinite knowledge of the people on here, not for the buttons.

It doesn't matter which skin people are using, as long as I can read it in goo, and as long as they have something worthwhile, or amusing, to say.

smiley - biggrin

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 129

Mu Beta

" I'm here for the conversations, the wit and the infinite knowledge of the people on here"

When you can't get a steak, sometimes you have to settle for MacDonalds.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 130

You can call me TC

with rivets?

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 131

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

There's nothing wrong with rivets!

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 132

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Yeah I like a good rivit

smiley - biggrin

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 133

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I prefer a good screw

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 134

Mu Beta

There's no need to hammer it home.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 135


Oooh look, a shiny new error message:


Never mind, it got there in the end.smiley - biggrin


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 136


Saw that one.
One of my error messages mentioned Ripley, I think. smiley - erm

(in alabaster)

smiley - blacksheep

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 137

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

It's the hammering i like

smiley - smiley

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 138


Te he, just looked at the god thread (in goo, natch) so does this prove god doesn't exist?


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 139

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Of coursesmiley - laugh

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 140

Jimi X

Ah, smiley - cheers Jims.

Perhaps next time I'll look a bit more closely?
Nah! Why do that... smiley - winkeye

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