A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Due to changes involving other sites (and nothing to do with us, honestly!), it's been decided that the new DNA release (mentioned in the previous statement) is set to go live at 1000hrs BST on Thursday 7 October, not 6 October as originally expected. This release will (still!) involve downtime of up to an hour, during which time members will be redirected to a holding page.

We apologise for any inconvenience or confusion!

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 2

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

smiley - nahnah

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 3


Anyone running a book on this?

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"I wonder who these illustre 'time members' are. . . "

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 5


Time Bandits grown respectable, retired to the Golf Club?

(Beats me how people fit *into* a golf club at all smiley - erm)

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

If Calista Follard has a smaller head I think she just might fit

**makes note: Jimster is away, chaos reigns.**

**makes another note: No change there then.**

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 7


Thanks very much, The_Jon smiley - smiley

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 8

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - rofl

I did wonder why we weren't having the usual problems...now I know why...Jims is away!!!

Ooooh, the fun we can have!

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 9


...actually, come to think of it, it's a very fair point! smiley - flustered

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 10

Post Team

smiley - yikes again

Will the h2g2 Front Page 'go live' before or after the downtime?

shazz smiley - thepost

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 11

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Probably during, just like the dog had it first. smiley - biggrin"

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 12


It theoretically should go live prior to the downtime... [crosses fingers and hopes for the best]

smiley - biggrin


5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 13


"[crosses fingers and hopes for the best]"

Translates as:

[slaps on crash helmet and waits for the bang]

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 14


My Thursday morning would be ruined without smiley - thepost and smiley - tea... smiley - wah

* begins the 'Sacred Incantations for Placating the Computer Gods' *

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 15


Of course, while Greebo relocates there will be no PostWordPlay anyway smiley - sadface, so delay or mix up of <./>thepost</.> will be of less dire consequences (speaking personally, as only I can smiley - winkeye)

Pimms smiley - tongueout

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 16


Don't forget (and/or panic!) everyone - the site (and all of the BBC's other DNA communities) may be down for about an hour tomorrow (Thursday) morning, from 10am BST.

smiley - ok


5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 17

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"No postponing until friday? The pending <./>thepost</.> would get delivered in time smiley - biggrin."

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 18

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

all this cause somebody lost the key to the biscuit tin

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 19

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit holding up some smiley - 2cents (biscuits)
"Would this help?

< <./>F94024?thread=498828</.> > Someone managed to open the tin HooDoony smiley - magic"

5 October, 2004: Revised Downtime Advance Warning - 7 October, 2004 - 1000hrs BST

Post 20


Did I miss it?

Or has it not happened yet?


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